Currently, I am working through the following P90X videos:

01 Chest and Back
02 Plyometrics
03 Shoulders and ARms
05 Legs and Back

NEVER MIND! That's too hard on my joints right now.

As of July 18, 2010, I'm doing the Urban Rebounder, Intermediate Level.

Oh, never mind. As of Aug 8, 2010, I working through a beginner's running program.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Healthy ABC's

By Carolyn Allen
Read original article here - and also find the following ABC's in poster format.

Healthy ABCs for Strength and Energy

1) Time + 2) A Smart Eating and Exercise Plan = 3) Success!

A = Positive ATTITUDE, Eat APPLES instead of candy, ACT don’t react, Be ACCOUNTABLE
B = BELIEVE in yourself. Our Heavenly Father does! What could be a BETTER standard of your your abilities?
C = CONSISTENCY — not perfection
E = EXERCISE for ENERGY; EAT hard-boiled EGGS for quick protein
F = Read “FIT FOR LIFE” By Harvey and Marilyn Diamond recommends FRUIT for Breakfast
G = GREENS — Lots of dark, leafy ones, set small GOALS, and just GO FOR IT!
H = HONESTY is the best policy because your HEALTH and HAPPY future depend on it!
I = Say “I CAN DO IT,” and “I AM WORTH IT!” to yourself;
“The difference between fat and fit is I”
J = JOURNAL, JOURNAL, JOURNAL to find JOY and success
K = KNOWLEDGE is power; KNOW the foods that derail you and KEEP them far away
L = Losing weight wisely is LOVING yourself wisely
M = Avoid MONOTONY with new fruits, veggies, recipes and activities
N = NEVER look back. NO Guilt and just move on! “Today is a NEW Day!” “Now is a NEW time!” O = OBTAINING health is an OPPORTUNITY, not a punishment
P = PRAY for PERSEVERANCE, PATIENCE and your PANTS will soon fit better!
Q = We’re of divine heritage: QUEENS and Kings, so QUALITY is better than QUANTITY
R = RESPONSIBILITY is a RIGHT. REWARD yourself REGULARLY in non-food ways.
S = SHUT Down “SYE (so you eat) SYNDROME to manage boredom, frustration, sadness, etc.
T = TAKE TIME TO TRY new things. THINK and feel with your heart and hand,
not mouth and food
U = UNLOAD frustration on exercise, a journal, a friend or a walk. All work better than food.
V = VARIETY and moderation in all things makes healthy living a joy!
W = WATER (eight glasses a day) and WALKS are WONDERFUL for spirit and body
X = EXAMINE your motives! There are many and they all count!
Y = YOU know what to do, so, as President Kimball says, “Just do it!”
Z = Every ZIPPER is going to slide like silk, so ZIPPITY-DO-DAH!