I've decided to start over. Since my first 8 week goal kept getting interrupted, I felt the best thing I could do was to just start fresh with both a new time-frame and even new workouts. It seems that I always get side-tracked at about 4 weeks. This time I was sick, then my family was sick, then I was sick. My family went to the ER twice. I had some other challenges. That's the excuse this time.
Every time there seems to be something. Sometime I will expound on that. For now, let it suffice that perhaps I will just make this a 4 week goal instead of an 8 week goal. Then, I will increase it to a 6 week goal the next time. At work I climbed 223 stairs.
Monday: Legs of Steel with
Tamilee Webb. I didn't finish it as it is a very intense 31 minute workout. I did 3 groups of exercises. What I like about this routine is that it IS very intense, we never get on the floor, and we work on one leg at a time. So rather than doing lunges the old fashioned way, we stand on one leg and squat. It really gets the entire leg and tomorrow I expect to be very sore. This video is on a VHS tape. Maybe one day I'll look to see if it's on DVD. I just get tired of buying VHS tapes and then later getting them in DVD. I can't count how many times that has happened to me in the past. I refuse to purchase any more VHS tapes because of it, and YES I've still come across companies only selling their product on VHS! There just not exercise videos.
Tuesday: Billy's
Bootcamp Ab
BootCamp. This I didn't finish either. I blame this pattern on new videos and having broken my pattern for the past couple of weeks. It is a 35 minute workout and I did about 15 minutes. It seems like a really good workout. So far everything is standing up, however I know I heard him say we will later get on the floor. I won't be, though. He breaks my rules of making an Exercise Video, as he walks around giving instruction. I only need that instruction once. Next time, I'm going to count. I think he does more reps on one side than he does on the other because of his walking around. From that point I started counting the rest and sure enough, he's not worried about proper counting and consistency from side to side. In fact, at one point he actually stops one move to go to the other in the middle of counting the first move. So, he doesn't even complete the counts beforehand. This inconsistency irritates me. With that aside, the moves are unique and very targeted. So, if during the next four weeks I benefit from it and set aside my irritation, perhaps I'll make progress. At work I climbed 74 stairs.
Wednesday: Legs of Steel with
Tamilee Webb. I didn't finish it, I did 3 groups of exercises and almost went onto the fourth and quit. I wasn't sore Tuesday from Monday's workout so I allowed myself to worked harder today by going deeper. I was so afraid of being as sore as I was the last time I did the routine many months ago that I
must've taken it too easy this time. On the other hand, yesterday's workout has me very sore. I can feel what muscles I worked. I will definitely keep doing that workout until the four weeks are up and keep it on my list of likable workouts.... even though he breaks my rules and he drives me crazy.
Tamilee doesn't follow the rules either. Once she gets off beat. She takes too long giving instructions, it's not like her moves are complicated. If we didn't understand at first we would catch on really quickly. She doesn't keep the same count from leg to leg. I'll deal with it for four weeks, though. Then, I won't come back to her video for a while. I also climbed 16 stairs at work.
Thursday: I didn't wake in time for a workout in the morning, so at work I climbed 101 stairs to help make up for it. When I climb stairs I don't jog up on my tip toes or take the next step before straightening my leg from the previous step. I put my entire foot onto the step and using my rear end muscles to lift me up entirely and then repeat on the next leg during the next step up. This makes the effort all that more beneficial for my purposes.
Saturday: Billy's
Bootcamp Ab
BootCamp. I did 15 minutes and started to go further and stopped. I am liking the workout. I was extremely sore from it the first time. He just drives me nuts, though with his inconsistent counting. The girl he uses as an example even messes up in front of him and he doesn't notice the entire time! On this one move, we are supposed to move only our hips, then only our shoulders, then move both together. While he's over with her giving all these instructions on how to do the move properly, she's moving everything when we are only supposed to be moving our shoulders. Of course, she is the only person we see, 'cause of all the directions he is busy giving. Then, as he walks back to his own spot he reminds us that we should only be moving our shoulders and then takes us directly into moving both. So, it's one of those cases where you need to know the video in order to do it right despite the mistake. I'll be complaining about this video every time I do it, but since it's a good workout I'll keep doing it anyway.