Monday: Jari Love's Get Ripped! To the Core. I did 7 exercises, through step ups with overhead press. I skipped the pushups. I only have so much time in the morning now, so I wanted to make sure to do the exercises that most targeted the areas of my concern. Maybe I'll add those later. I used 3# weights throughout the workout.
Tuesday: Hip Hop Abs - 30 minute Fat Burning Cardio Workout.
Wednesday: Jari Love's Get Ripped! To the Core. I did 7 exercises, through step ups with overhead press. I skipped the pushups. I used 3# weights throughout the workout.
Thursday: Hip Hop Abs - 30 minute Fat Burning Cardio Workout.
Friday: Jari Love's Get Ripped! To the Core. I noticed during this week that I didn't have sore muscles the next day at all, so I decided to work harder on this routine today by going deeper on all of the exercises. In so doing I couldn't get beyond 6 exercises, through the side steps off the step. I skipped the pushups. Also, during all of the squats and lunges and whenever possible, I used the TTapp technique of keeping my big toe off the floor. I can always feel an immediate difference in my stance and the effectiveness of the move. During the wide squats I found myself needing to stop that technique during the third round of the routine. That's how effective it is in maximizing the exercise.... that simple little move is huge. I used 3# weights throughout the workout and will probably use 5# weights next week on a couple of the exercises.... we'll see.
Saturday: Hip Hop Abs - 30 minute Fat Burning Cardio Workout.
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