Currently, I am working through the following P90X videos:

01 Chest and Back
02 Plyometrics
03 Shoulders and ARms
05 Legs and Back

NEVER MIND! That's too hard on my joints right now.

As of July 18, 2010, I'm doing the Urban Rebounder, Intermediate Level.

Oh, never mind. As of Aug 8, 2010, I working through a beginner's running program.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Weight History - Part Two - Diets

This part will be about the dieting portion of my weight history. As I mentioned before I ate really good before the tables in my life were turned and all my good habits were pushed under the rug in exchange for some really sweet tooth and garbage filled habits. What discipline I exercised before had completely deserted me once I was under the control of these addictive vices. So, I would tried to find good eating alternative that I thought would also quickly drop the pounds. I found nothing to work.

Simply eating right, like before, didn't do it and I really struggled with overcoming temptations when I didn't see results. So, I began looking for opportunities that promised quick results. If only I could get myself back to where I had started and begin again I figured I could keep it there. But, I couldn't get it there. Just eating right didn't help me to loose anything. If I lost anything, I would loose a little initially and then it would stop. So, why resist, I would tell myself. I tried Atkins for three weeks and lost nothing. I tried for a month or so but the menu's were very expensive and I ate more than I ever did usually. I tried the idiot proof diet, but how much sausage and cottage cheese can one eat for breakfast? Even though I lost some good weight I didn't do that one again. I tried Kevin Trudeau's weight loss cure and cried myself to sleep after about 8 days of starving. I tried Nutrisystem and for three weeks ate expensive and disgusting meals and lost one pound. (They imply that you get everything you need, but you still need to buy a bunch of food and make preparations and add to their meals.) I tried Kimkins and starved myself by eating under 10 carbs and 700 calories a day. I did loose weight, but not good weight and that experience is what motivated me to create my menu plan that I discuss in another blog (see Menu Planning). That was my last attempt at fad diets.

I didn't and won't even bother mentioning the pills I tried. I won't try another pill, either. Besides, they all have green tea in them and I can't have the caffeine. I'm also not good at remembering to take the pills.

Like I said, just eating right doesn't help me loose weight and I noticed that unless I'm starving I don't drop any pounds with eating habits alone. So, I have determined to have a healthy menu that meets my own families needs as a whole and drop the weight through time and healthy exercise. I must be able to loose the pounds without completely changing my diet toward items that I don't care for, in amounts that don't make since, in a way that I won't continue after the weight loss, or in any other drastic way. It only makes since to follow a healthy route, loose using that route, and keep using it afterwards. In that case, I need to loose while eating the foods that my family and I eat, can count on, can afford, and fit our lifestyle.... as long as I'm not talking about high fat, deep fried, unhealthy habits I see no reason that can't be the case.

I've learned that it really doesn't come down to some magical formula, just down to the amount of excessivness in one's diet, in either direction. I try to eat good food. In fact, here is our menu. I created this over the past two years to meet certain criteria. I must be able to grow much of the ingredients in the garden so that I can preserve it through either canning, drying or freezing. I must be able to see a way to store the ingredients long-term. The ingredients should be frugal. The system must be repeatable. We buy a cow every year and store it in the freezer. We raise organic chickens and store in them in the freezer. We cook from there all year round. I utilize those meats throughout my plans.

Am I eating right as I type this? No. I'm tired of working so hard, resisting temptation without any reward. I will though. I'm battling one challenge at a time. I have started my exercise habits again. After I see some progress, which I will, I will begin to battle the eating. It doesn't help that we are in the the Halloween candy era right now. Soon it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Slowly, but surely though I will overcome. I have done it before. I can do it again. I just need the right motivation and consistency. When I see a momentum building with my exercise regime I will be more motivated to resist cravings and watch more weight come off. I have noticed in the past that while simply eating right doesn't do it for me, that chocolate and ice-cream really do stall my efforts. During my really serious efforts I need to refrain from those items in order to make true progress. That time is coming closer.

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