By Carolyn Allen
Read original article here - and also find the following ABC's in poster format.
Healthy ABCs for Strength and Energy
1) Time + 2) A Smart Eating and Exercise Plan = 3) Success!
A = Positive ATTITUDE, Eat APPLES instead of candy, ACT don’t react, Be ACCOUNTABLE
B = BELIEVE in yourself. Our Heavenly Father does! What could be a BETTER standard of your your abilities?
C = CONSISTENCY — not perfection
E = EXERCISE for ENERGY; EAT hard-boiled EGGS for quick protein
F = Read “FIT FOR LIFE” By Harvey and Marilyn Diamond recommends FRUIT for Breakfast
G = GREENS — Lots of dark, leafy ones, set small GOALS, and just GO FOR IT!
H = HONESTY is the best policy because your HEALTH and HAPPY future depend on it!
I = Say “I CAN DO IT,” and “I AM WORTH IT!” to yourself;
“The difference between fat and fit is I”
J = JOURNAL, JOURNAL, JOURNAL to find JOY and success
K = KNOWLEDGE is power; KNOW the foods that derail you and KEEP them far away
L = Losing weight wisely is LOVING yourself wisely
M = Avoid MONOTONY with new fruits, veggies, recipes and activities
N = NEVER look back. NO Guilt and just move on! “Today is a NEW Day!” “Now is a NEW time!” O = OBTAINING health is an OPPORTUNITY, not a punishment
P = PRAY for PERSEVERANCE, PATIENCE and your PANTS will soon fit better!
Q = We’re of divine heritage: QUEENS and Kings, so QUALITY is better than QUANTITY
R = RESPONSIBILITY is a RIGHT. REWARD yourself REGULARLY in non-food ways.
S = SHUT Down “SYE (so you eat) SYNDROME to manage boredom, frustration, sadness, etc.
T = TAKE TIME TO TRY new things. THINK and feel with your heart and hand,
not mouth and food
U = UNLOAD frustration on exercise, a journal, a friend or a walk. All work better than food.
V = VARIETY and moderation in all things makes healthy living a joy!
W = WATER (eight glasses a day) and WALKS are WONDERFUL for spirit and body
X = EXAMINE your motives! There are many and they all count!
Y = YOU know what to do, so, as President Kimball says, “Just do it!”
Z = Every ZIPPER is going to slide like silk, so ZIPPITY-DO-DAH!
Currently, I am working through the following P90X videos:
01 Chest and Back
02 Plyometrics
03 Shoulders and ARms
05 Legs and Back
NEVER MIND! That's too hard on my joints right now.
As of July 18, 2010, I'm doing the Urban Rebounder, Intermediate Level.
Oh, never mind. As of Aug 8, 2010, I working through a beginner's running program.
01 Chest and Back
02 Plyometrics
03 Shoulders and ARms
05 Legs and Back
NEVER MIND! That's too hard on my joints right now.
As of July 18, 2010, I'm doing the Urban Rebounder, Intermediate Level.
Oh, never mind. As of Aug 8, 2010, I working through a beginner's running program.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Weight Gain Myths
You can't gain Fat by lifting weights
We’ve seen a lot of threads in our forums about weightlifting and weight gain lately and we thought it might be a good idea for a little common sense talk about weight gain myths.
First, it is nearly impossible for even a young adult male to add 5 lbs of muscles doing a weight training program like STS for 3 months. The most muscle a male could hope to add to their body doing a weight training workout for 3 months is only about one pound, less for a female.
Remember, more than half your body’s weight is made up of water. Short term fluctuations in your weight have more to do with increases or decreases in water retention - not muscle and/or fat.
Second, weight gain and weight loss come from three areas of your body:
1. Water - this makes up about 2/3 of your body weight
2. Fat
3. Muscle
Many times you might notice that you gain 3 to 5 pounds in just one day! Relax it’s not fat and it certainly is not muscle. That only leaves one other choice - water! That’s right; the only way anyone can gain 5 lbs of weight in a short period of time is from water retention.
Water retention may come from eating a high sodium meal (Chinese food for example) or your monthly cycle. Water retention also comes from glycogen that is stored in your body. At your peak during the day you have about 1 pound of Glycogen in your body. Glycogen holds onto about 3 times its weight in water. As you deplete your glycogen stores your weight will drop as less water will be stored in your muscles. As you replenish your glycogen in your body by eating your water weight will increase. This is a major reason why you are lighter in the morning than in the evening.
Let me give you an example to expand on this. Let’s say on Tuesday you weigh yourself in the morning and your weight is 145 pounds. On Wednesday you weigh yourself in the evening and this time you freak out because you weigh 150 pounds. How could this happen?
Well, first let’s look at muscle. Even though you did do STS mesocycle three on Tuesday afternoon and lifted some very heavy weights it is impossible to add 5 lbs of muscle to your body in just one day. In fact, it is very hard for a male to add much more than 4 lbs of muscle in a year. So your weight gain wasn’t at all muscle. Well, then it must be fat because the scale says so - right? Well, of course I’m just being funny to make a point. A scale can only tell you how much you weigh, not where the weight came from. To gain 5 pounds of fat in just one day you would have to consume 17500 extra calories more than you normally eat (assuming activity level is the same). This too is impossible as you would have to eat around 32 Big Macs in addition to your normal meals to be able to even come close to adding 5 lbs of fat to your body. Even if a person wanted to they could not eat 32 Big Macs in just one day - It’s just not possible and it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain 5 lb’s of fat in just one day. Stored fat only comes from eating excess food, not exercise. It is impossible to gain fat by lifting weights or breathing air.
So we have eliminated muscle and fat as being the cause of your one day weight gain in the above example. This only leaves “water” as the culprit to your short term weight gain.
Now I will admit that any weightlifting program can cause temporary water weight gain. When you begin any new weightlifting program your body will retain water in the beginning. This is because your body’s muscles will temporarily store more glycogen when you start a new program and this attracts more water to your muscles. This is one reason why your muscles swell. After your body adapts to the new program your body will stop storing excess glycogen and the water retention will decrease.
Finally, scales are not 100% accurate. They have a certain error rate of + or - a certain percentage and may be off as much as several pounds. This may mean that you actually weigh more or less than what the scale tells you. For example, the scale tells you on Monday that you weigh 100 lbs (but your real weight is 102 lbs) and then on Wednesday the scale tells you that you weigh 104 lbs (but your real weight is still 102 lbs). You might think you gained 4 pounds when you actually gained nothing.
We’ve seen a lot of threads in our forums about weightlifting and weight gain lately and we thought it might be a good idea for a little common sense talk about weight gain myths.
First, it is nearly impossible for even a young adult male to add 5 lbs of muscles doing a weight training program like STS for 3 months. The most muscle a male could hope to add to their body doing a weight training workout for 3 months is only about one pound, less for a female.
Remember, more than half your body’s weight is made up of water. Short term fluctuations in your weight have more to do with increases or decreases in water retention - not muscle and/or fat.
Second, weight gain and weight loss come from three areas of your body:
1. Water - this makes up about 2/3 of your body weight
2. Fat
3. Muscle
Many times you might notice that you gain 3 to 5 pounds in just one day! Relax it’s not fat and it certainly is not muscle. That only leaves one other choice - water! That’s right; the only way anyone can gain 5 lbs of weight in a short period of time is from water retention.
Water retention may come from eating a high sodium meal (Chinese food for example) or your monthly cycle. Water retention also comes from glycogen that is stored in your body. At your peak during the day you have about 1 pound of Glycogen in your body. Glycogen holds onto about 3 times its weight in water. As you deplete your glycogen stores your weight will drop as less water will be stored in your muscles. As you replenish your glycogen in your body by eating your water weight will increase. This is a major reason why you are lighter in the morning than in the evening.
Let me give you an example to expand on this. Let’s say on Tuesday you weigh yourself in the morning and your weight is 145 pounds. On Wednesday you weigh yourself in the evening and this time you freak out because you weigh 150 pounds. How could this happen?
Well, first let’s look at muscle. Even though you did do STS mesocycle three on Tuesday afternoon and lifted some very heavy weights it is impossible to add 5 lbs of muscle to your body in just one day. In fact, it is very hard for a male to add much more than 4 lbs of muscle in a year. So your weight gain wasn’t at all muscle. Well, then it must be fat because the scale says so - right? Well, of course I’m just being funny to make a point. A scale can only tell you how much you weigh, not where the weight came from. To gain 5 pounds of fat in just one day you would have to consume 17500 extra calories more than you normally eat (assuming activity level is the same). This too is impossible as you would have to eat around 32 Big Macs in addition to your normal meals to be able to even come close to adding 5 lbs of fat to your body. Even if a person wanted to they could not eat 32 Big Macs in just one day - It’s just not possible and it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain 5 lb’s of fat in just one day. Stored fat only comes from eating excess food, not exercise. It is impossible to gain fat by lifting weights or breathing air.
So we have eliminated muscle and fat as being the cause of your one day weight gain in the above example. This only leaves “water” as the culprit to your short term weight gain.
Now I will admit that any weightlifting program can cause temporary water weight gain. When you begin any new weightlifting program your body will retain water in the beginning. This is because your body’s muscles will temporarily store more glycogen when you start a new program and this attracts more water to your muscles. This is one reason why your muscles swell. After your body adapts to the new program your body will stop storing excess glycogen and the water retention will decrease.
Finally, scales are not 100% accurate. They have a certain error rate of + or - a certain percentage and may be off as much as several pounds. This may mean that you actually weigh more or less than what the scale tells you. For example, the scale tells you on Monday that you weigh 100 lbs (but your real weight is 102 lbs) and then on Wednesday the scale tells you that you weigh 104 lbs (but your real weight is still 102 lbs). You might think you gained 4 pounds when you actually gained nothing.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#.
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... all 4 sets of the routines): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8# I'm going to do this one last from now on.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#.
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... all 4 sets of the routines): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8# I'm going to do this one last from now on.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core. (Over did it today. Couldn't finish everything.)
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#.
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... all 4 sets of the routines): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
Well, I don't feel I overworked myself; but, I still couldn't seem to make it through the workout. I didn't want to even get up this morning; but, I did anyway. Then, for the second time in a row I couldn't make it through my entire workout. At least Saturday I had a good excuse.... I overworked myself throughout the workout. Today, though, I just have no energy. I thought through time I should be getting stronger and have better endurance. I don't feel I have any better endurance than when I first started working out.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#.
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... all 4 sets of the routines): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
Well, I don't feel I overworked myself; but, I still couldn't seem to make it through the workout. I didn't want to even get up this morning; but, I did anyway. Then, for the second time in a row I couldn't make it through my entire workout. At least Saturday I had a good excuse.... I overworked myself throughout the workout. Today, though, I just have no energy. I thought through time I should be getting stronger and have better endurance. I don't feel I have any better endurance than when I first started working out.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core. (Over did it today. Couldn't finish everything.)
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 15# for the first 4 sets. Then, for the rest went back to 10#. I'll be staying there for a while. That 15# killed me for the rest of the workout.
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... 4 sets of the routine - with the exception of only doing 8 singles instead of her final 16 singles. Still, progress has been made): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8# Worked really hard at going low and working the muscles.
Stopped there. I could barely make it up the stairs after this workout and I'm still shakin' up an hour later. So, not sure how working it harder helped, but I'm sure it did somehow.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 15# for the first 4 sets. Then, for the rest went back to 10#. I'll be staying there for a while. That 15# killed me for the rest of the workout.
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... 4 sets of the routine - with the exception of only doing 8 singles instead of her final 16 singles. Still, progress has been made): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8# Worked really hard at going low and working the muscles.
Stopped there. I could barely make it up the stairs after this workout and I'm still shakin' up an hour later. So, not sure how working it harder helped, but I'm sure it did somehow.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core. (Didn't want to get up this morning. Have had a difficult week with sleep - not much of it. I was awake, so even though I was tired I went and worked out. Now I'm glad I did.)
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#!!!
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 10#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set each leg. I only did the squats for the rest.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - I did two sets of this routine.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#!!!
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 10#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set each leg. I only did the squats for the rest.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - I did two sets of this routine.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Slim Quick
Yesterday, tried the slim quick powder in my drink. YUCK! Unfortunately, their pills have caffeine/ green tea in it. So, the powder was my only option. So, THAT's out!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core. (I made progress today, increasing my weight to 10 lbs for two routines. But, I'm staring to feel my knees hurt during a couple of moves, which worries me as I haven't even made it past 10 lbs yet nor lost weight and I'm already running into a potentially serious road block.)
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#!!!
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): My knees are starting to hurt with this one. 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 10#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set each legs. I only did the squats for the rest.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - I did three sets of this routine.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 10#!!!
2: Chest Press with/out Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): My knees are starting to hurt with this one. 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 10#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set each legs. I only did the squats for the rest.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - I did three sets of this routine.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 8#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set each legs. I only did the squats for the rest.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - only did two sets of routine.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 8#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set each legs. I only did the squats for the rest.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - only did two sets of routine.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 8#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set on the first leg. I couldn't get my muscles to do anymore, so I only did the squats.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - only did two sets of routine.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 8#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 8#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set on the first leg. I couldn't get my muscles to do anymore, so I only did the squats.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 5# - only did two sets of routine.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Zumba - 20 minute workout. Did two songs = 10 minutes.
Feeling frustrated and discouraged, but will continue moving forward. Some changes have to be made to my cardio days, but i'm sure I'll manage. I'll work harder on the days I do use the weights.
Feeling frustrated and discouraged, but will continue moving forward. Some changes have to be made to my cardio days, but i'm sure I'll manage. I'll work harder on the days I do use the weights.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set on the first leg. I couldn't get my muscles to do anymore, so I only did the squats.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... 3 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 5#. Because of the weight increase I only did lateral raises with the very first set on the first leg. I couldn't get my muscles to do anymore, so I only did the squats.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... actually, only 2 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... actually, only 2 sets of the routine): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - Weigh-In
I woke and was weighed by my daughter who informed me I had NOT made any progress during my first week of working out all 6 days and starving through the week. Of course, I ate - I'm not anorexic. I just didn't fill my belly in between meals unless it was with some grapes, an apple, banana or the like. So, I starved in between meals and before I went to bed. So, on to another day and another week.
My daughter is weighing me every Sunday morning without telling me what I actually weigh. I only want to know if I made progress or not. Unfortunately, I wish to hear I made progress over none at all. Uggghhh!
My daughter is weighing me every Sunday morning without telling me what I actually weigh. I only want to know if I made progress or not. Unfortunately, I wish to hear I made progress over none at all. Uggghhh!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
March Bird's Eye View
Looks like I only exercised 5 times in March, so new use making a Bird's Eye View Calendar.
February Bird's Eye View

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Zumba - 20 minute workout. Did all four songs = 20 minutes.
I really like this workout and had fun with it today. Of course, it's Saturday and I slept in 'till 9:30 and visited with hubby before I went to workout. It's quite a different story during the week when I have to wake up early at 5 am and immediately go to workout.
I'm sure I'll do this DVD for one more week before I'm sick of it and then move on to his 40 minute workout. I'll probably do 20 minutes of it for a week, then slowly add songs each day 'till I reach the 40 minutes. Then, do that workout for a couple more weeks before seeing what else he has for me. That's the plan, at least.
I really like this workout and had fun with it today. Of course, it's Saturday and I slept in 'till 9:30 and visited with hubby before I went to workout. It's quite a different story during the week when I have to wake up early at 5 am and immediately go to workout.
I'm sure I'll do this DVD for one more week before I'm sick of it and then move on to his 40 minute workout. I'll probably do 20 minutes of it for a week, then slowly add songs each day 'till I reach the 40 minutes. Then, do that workout for a couple more weeks before seeing what else he has for me. That's the plan, at least.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core. Today I worked to go even deeper and be more specific with each move. It worked, 'cause I couldn't finish the entire workout and now the next day I'm really sore.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total if I had done 4 sets. I did 3 sets of the routine. Still strengthening from the weight increase): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with NO Anterior Raise today..... I wore myself out. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR): 3#.
Skipped the Step Ups with Overhead press altogether.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total if I had done 4 sets. I did 3 sets of the routine. Still strengthening from the weight increase): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with NO Anterior Raise today..... I wore myself out. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR): 3#.
Skipped the Step Ups with Overhead press altogether.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core. Today I increased weights on three routines and went deeper on the three lower body routines.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... actually, almost 3 sets of the routine as the increase of weights wouldn't let me go any furhter, but the 5# were too easy. I'll get them all done as I get stronger): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. 171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total..... actually, almost 3 sets of the routine as the increase of weights wouldn't let me go any furhter, but the 5# were too easy. I'll get them all done as I get stronger): 8#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 8#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. 171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 8#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total): 5#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 5#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. 171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 5#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total): 5#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 5#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. 171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 5#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Get Ripped To The Core.
I tried to do with a simple 5# for all of them for the simple getting started and will build up from that point.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total): 5#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 5#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. 171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 5#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): Tried 5 lbs, but too much so went to 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
I tried to do with a simple 5# for all of them for the simple getting started and will build up from that point.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (38 ea leg): 5#
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (54 total): 5#
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (32 ea): 5#
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. 171 ws & 52 ur): 5#
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (48 D & 56 LR): 5#
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (48 LG ea leg, 54 LR, 8 NS/AR): Tried 5 lbs, but too much so went to 3#.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (48 total): also 3#.
Get Ripped To The Core
Starting up again. Last week I did one work out with Get Ripped To The Core. I'm changing back to this one as it is both easier and seems to work more muscles before I completely wear myself out. I've included a count of how many of each I do for each routine, that includes the slow ones and the pulses that she does for many of them. She will often do a slow for four counts up and down, then go to a 3 count up and a 1 count down, then to a 2 count up and 2 count down, then to singles for a set of 8. I really like this workout a lot more, though I plan to build up my strength and endurance to be able to do the Get Ripped 1000 as it has been such a challenge that I want to meet. Here is the workout (of course, I skip the pushups).
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, inner thighs, gluteals, back, core). There are a total of 38 for each move with each leg.
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (Muscles worked: Pectorales, core, hamstrings, gluteals, deltoids, triceps). I don't raise my hips because it hurts my knees - so I don't know altogether which of those muscles I'm not working. There are a total 54 chest presses in this routine.
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (Muscles worked: lower back, gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps). There are a total 32 Bent Leg Dead Lift and 32 bicep Curls.
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (Muscles worked: Inner thighs, hamstrings, quadriceps, deltoids, gluteals, upper back, core). In the Get Ripped 1000 she does bicep curls with the wide squat and I don't find that a natural combination and I don't feel I get a full wide squat workout, either. I really like this one in this video. In this one we do 171 wide squats (this includes the 123 pulses) and 52 upright rows.
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (during the Lateral row they go one legged for two routines and then switch legs for the last two routines. I don't do this, yet, because it gives those muscles a break between lower body routines). (Muscles worked: Bicepts, gluteals, hamstrings, back, core). There are a total of 48 deadlifts and 56 lateral rows.
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, medial deltoids, anterior deltoids, IT band, core). There are 48 leg squats for each leg and 54 lateral raises. Then, there are only 8 narrow squats with anterior raise.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (Muscles worked: Deltoids, trapezius, quadriceps, triceps, hamstrings, gluteals, core). Total of 48 overhead presses.
There is still 1-2 more moves, but I haven't reached them yet. This is all for now.
1: Reverse Lunge and Side Squat (Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, inner thighs, gluteals, back, core). There are a total of 38 for each move with each leg.
2: Chest Press with Hips Raised (Muscles worked: Pectorales, core, hamstrings, gluteals, deltoids, triceps). I don't raise my hips because it hurts my knees - so I don't know altogether which of those muscles I'm not working. There are a total 54 chest presses in this routine.
3: Bent Leg Dead Lift and Bicep Curl. (Muscles worked: lower back, gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps). There are a total 32 Bent Leg Dead Lift and 32 bicep Curls.
4: Wide Squat and Upright Row. (Muscles worked: Inner thighs, hamstrings, quadriceps, deltoids, gluteals, upper back, core). In the Get Ripped 1000 she does bicep curls with the wide squat and I don't find that a natural combination and I don't feel I get a full wide squat workout, either. I really like this one in this video. In this one we do 171 wide squats (this includes the 123 pulses) and 52 upright rows.
5: Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lateral Row (during the Lateral row they go one legged for two routines and then switch legs for the last two routines. I don't do this, yet, because it gives those muscles a break between lower body routines). (Muscles worked: Bicepts, gluteals, hamstrings, back, core). There are a total of 48 deadlifts and 56 lateral rows.
6: Squat with Lateral Raise and then Narrow Squat with Anterior Raise. (Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, medial deltoids, anterior deltoids, IT band, core). There are 48 leg squats for each leg and 54 lateral raises. Then, there are only 8 narrow squats with anterior raise.
7: Step Ups with Overhead Press. (Muscles worked: Deltoids, trapezius, quadriceps, triceps, hamstrings, gluteals, core). Total of 48 overhead presses.
There is still 1-2 more moves, but I haven't reached them yet. This is all for now.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step with lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 3#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. The Whole Routine.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step with lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 3#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. The Whole Routine.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step with lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did the whole routing, finally.
Although I finished the full wide squats with bicep curl routine, I cut short the pulse squats and lunges during the last part of the final leg. My legs simply gave out on me. I think I need to go down on weights for the first routine, alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step with the 24 lateral raises. I'm wearing myself out so much during that routine that my legs simply cannot do four more routines that also use lower body muscles. It's the hardest routine for me and I wear out early on. So, I'll lower the weights for that one down to 3# until I've strengthed myself sufficiently to justify bringing on more weights. I'm ready to increase the weights for the stiff leg dead lift with reverse fly, but until I've completed a week of finishing the entire routing of wide squats with bicep curl. I don't want to over exert my energy, which seems to be what is happening through the previously mentioned first routine.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step with lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did the whole routing, finally.
Although I finished the full wide squats with bicep curl routine, I cut short the pulse squats and lunges during the last part of the final leg. My legs simply gave out on me. I think I need to go down on weights for the first routine, alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step with the 24 lateral raises. I'm wearing myself out so much during that routine that my legs simply cannot do four more routines that also use lower body muscles. It's the hardest routine for me and I wear out early on. So, I'll lower the weights for that one down to 3# until I've strengthed myself sufficiently to justify bringing on more weights. I'm ready to increase the weights for the stiff leg dead lift with reverse fly, but until I've completed a week of finishing the entire routing of wide squats with bicep curl. I don't want to over exert my energy, which seems to be what is happening through the previously mentioned first routine.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 4.5 routines. Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. I added lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#.
I had a real tough time this morning as I was exhausted. Yesterday, I didn't work out because I was so sore from that one song from Zumba that I was worried I would hurt myself. All of my back muscles were really, really sore.
I did 4.5 routines. Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. I added lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#.
I had a real tough time this morning as I was exhausted. Yesterday, I didn't work out because I was so sore from that one song from Zumba that I was worried I would hurt myself. All of my back muscles were really, really sore.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Today I did the 20 Minute Express Workout for Zumba. Actally, I only did the first song. Next time I'll do 3 songs. Today, it was my first time and I just was wore out after only the first. My biggest challenge with exercising is that I get wore out before anything else.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. I added lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. I added lateral raises during the middle section of 8 squats and lunges on each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
10 Reasons Your Workouts Aren't Working
Here's another great article that explains some things I remember from that "missing" article I had found a year ago. I think I'm following things correctly, too. Here's the original article
Common exercise errors and ultra-effective solutions for a better workout and a much better body.
Your time is valuable, and for each precious moment you put into your workouts, you want to ensure you get the best possible return on your investment. So, are you getting the results you want? If your body isn't as lean or toned as you'd like, it may be that you're committing some key training mistakes, which can sabotage the efforts of even veteran exercisers.
Of course, you probably know the more obvious mistakes to avoid. For instance, skipping your warm-up may cause you to fatigue early, preventing you from realizing your potential.
Furthermore, leaning on the stair climber or elliptical trainer may allow you to stay on longer, but it drastically reduces the challenge to your lower body as well as the number of calories you burn. But what about the less obvious errors you may be making? Here, we'll discuss some of the more subtle -- yet no less serious -- faux pas of fitness and the strength-training exercises most frequently flubbed, and show you how they can be fixed with nearly effortless corrections.
People make small but costly mistakes when exercising every day, and one tiny change can have a huge impact on their results, says Los Angeles–based trainer Ken Alan, a spokesman for the American Council on Exercise. Thanks to Alan and the panel of training experts who weighed in on these faux pas and fixes, you'll error-proof your exercise and see tremendous payoffs, and the time you invest in your workouts will be smart and well-spent. We begin with five errors often made in your approach to exercise, then we'll take a look at five moves frequently flubbed.
1. The faux pas Getting married to your strength routine.
The facts If you do the same routine over and over, your muscles will simply adapt; you're likely to hit a plateau because each exercise stimulates only a limited number of muscle fibers. However, if you challenge your muscles from a variety of angles by adding or alternating moves periodically, you'll get significantly more fibers into the act and develop more tone and strength.
The fix For each muscles group, learn an additional 2 or 3 exercises, trying new angles and equipment. (If you can't get instruction from a trainer, there are plenty of books and videos organized by routine for each body part.) For instance, if you usually do the dumbbell chest press on a flat bench, try it at an incline. If you normally use the chest-press machine, try the dumbbell chest press or the bench press with a barbell. Expand your repertoire enough so that you can change your entire routine every 6–8 weeks.
2. The faux pas Performing your reps too quickly
The facts If you zoom through your repetitions when strength training, you'll be using momentum instead of muscle power. You won't get the same stimulus for muscle building, and you won't burn as many calories. You'll also be more susceptible to training injuries such as torn muscles or connective tissue.
The fix Take 6 seconds to perform each repetition: 2 seconds to lift the weight and 4 seconds to lower it. (Since you have gravity to help you lower the weight, you need to slow down even more on this phase in order to give your muscles a sufficient challenge.) Our experts agree that slowing down is the single most significant change you can make to get better results from strength training.
3. The faux pas Exercising too hard, too often
The facts If you don't rest enough between hard cardio or strength workouts, you'll stop making progress and may even lose some of the fitness you've gained. You're also likely to burn out on exercise.
The fix To keep your muscles fresh and your motivation high, alternate shorter, tougher cardio workouts (for instance, 20 minutes) with longer, easier days (40–60 minutes). Don't go all-out more than twice a week. Keep in mind that the more intensely you train, the more time your body needs to recover. It's a good idea to do a couple of tough workouts and take 1 day completely off each week. On the strength-training front, take at least 1 day off between sessions that work the same muscle group.
4. The faux pas Coasting on your cardio
The facts Sticking with the same aerobic workout can sabotage your results as much as pushing too hard. To truly boost your fitness (which enables you to burn more calories with less effort), you need to venture outside your comfort zone a couple of times a week, to the point where you're somewhat winded and can feel your heart pounding.
The fix Instead of zoning out or doing moderate-intensity cardio all the time, mix in some high-intensity intervals twice a week. For instance, after warming up for 10 minutes on the treadmill, increase the speed or incline for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then recover with 1–3 minutes of easy-to-moderate exercise. Keep alternating for 10–20 minutes, then cool down. You also may want to do longer high-intensity intervals -- say, 5 minutes -- where you don't push quite as hard as you do on the shorter ones.
5. The faux pas Lifting the wrong amount of weight
The facts If you lift weights that are too light, you won't see improvements in strength, tone or bone density. If you lift weights that are too heavy, you'll compromise proper form, increasing your injury risk. You'll also be forced to recruit additional muscles, for instance, using your entire body to complete a biceps curl, thus cheating the targeted muscles of a good workout.
The fix For the most significant strength building, perform 4–6 repetitions per set; for more moderate strength building, perform 8–12 repetitions per set, choosing weights heavy enough that you struggle through your final few reps, but not so heavy that your form falls apart. If you get to your final rep and feel that you could perform another one, increase the weight by 5–10 percent. You may find that when you've considerably increased the amount of weight you're using, you'll drop to fewer reps, which is fine, as long as your targeted muscles are fatigued by the final rep. Don't worry: Lifting to fatigue will not leave you with monstrous muscles.
6. Squat
The faux pas Letting your knees shoot ahead of your toes, lifting your heels, dropping your knees inward
The facts These mistakes place excess pressure on the tendons and ligaments of the knee.
The fix Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart, legs straight but not locked, chest lifted, abs contracted. Keep body weight toward heels and bend knees to sit back and down, lowering thighs to as parallel a position to ground as possible, torso erect and knees aligned with ankles (shown). Straighten legs to stand back up. Strengthens buttocks, quadriceps and hamstrings
7. Bent-over lat row
The faux pas Rounding your spine and not flexing from your hips, pulling the weights up too far behind you
The facts These mistakes place stress on your spine and reduce the demand on your back muscles, making the move less effective.
The fix Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides. Bend knees and flex forward from hips at about 90 degrees. Let arms hang in line with shoulders, palms facing in. Contract abs to support back. Draw shoulder blades down and together; maintaining body position, bend elbows up and in toward waist until upper arms are in line with torso and forearms are perpendicular to ground, knuckles pointing down (shown). Slowly straighten arms to starting position without changing torso position. Strengthens middle back, rear shoulders and biceps
8. Triceps kickback
The faux pas Swinging your upper arm, dropping your opposite shoulder, trying to lift your arm and the weight too high behind you
The facts When you make any of these mistakes, your triceps aren't sufficiently challenged, and you also may place stress on your shoulder and elbow joints.
The fix Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and stand to the right of the long side of a bench, feet hip-width apart or in a staggered stance. (You also can kneel on the bench with your left knee.) Flex forward at hips at about 90 degrees, and place left hand on bench for support. Keeping torso stationary, bend right elbow so upper arm is parallel to ground and forearm is perpendicular to ground, palm facing in. Position elbow close to waist and contract abs. Keeping upper arm still, use triceps to straighten arm behind you until end of dumbbell points down (shown). Slowly bend elbow to return to perpendicular position. Strengthens triceps
9. Crunch
The faux pas Jerking your neck, not lifting shoulders, failing to engage abs
The facts These mistakes will result in a sore neck, and your abs won't get any firmer.
The fix Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on mat, hip-width apart. Place hands behind head, thumbs behind ears, fingers unclasped. Hold elbows out to the sides. Contracting abs, draw hips and lower ribs together, keeping buttocks relaxed. Without pulling on neck or drawing elbows in, curl up and forward, keeping head and neck relaxed as shoulder blades lift off mat (shown). Hold, then slowly lower back down. Strengthens abdominals
10. Dumbbell bench fly
The faux pas Lowering your arms too far
The facts This mistake places major stress on your shoulders and rotator cuff, the delicate muscles that sit underneath the shoulders. Plus, it becomes difficult to press arms up and use the chest muscles effectively.
The fix Lie faceup on bench, knees bent and feet on edge. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended above midchest, in a slight arc, palms in. Contract abs and keep chin level. Maintaining elbow arc, lower elbows down and out to the side until they are even with or slightly below shoulders (shown). Press dumbbells up and in to starting position, without letting dumbbells touch or allowing shoulder blades to rise off the bench. Strengthens chest and front shoulders
Mistake-proof your mind
Your attitude may be the one final adjustment you need to maximize your results. Avoid these three mental missteps:
Focusing on the numbers
Instead of worrying over how many calories you burn or steps you climb, focus on the energy and the strength you feel and how wonderfully you're treating your body. While monitoring your intensity and applying the numbers to ensure you're mixing things up enough is critical for optimum progress, you should simply be aware, not fixating.
Obsessing over one body part
Focusing too much on your "problem area" can backfire, causing you to neglect other muscle groups that are as important for your appearance as they are for your fitness. For instance, if your midsection is your main concern, doing hundreds of crunches isn't the answer; sure, do ab exercises for tone, but don't forget that developing your chest, back and shoulders can take the focus off your middle. Always strive for a balanced workout.
Common exercise errors and ultra-effective solutions for a better workout and a much better body.
Your time is valuable, and for each precious moment you put into your workouts, you want to ensure you get the best possible return on your investment. So, are you getting the results you want? If your body isn't as lean or toned as you'd like, it may be that you're committing some key training mistakes, which can sabotage the efforts of even veteran exercisers.
Of course, you probably know the more obvious mistakes to avoid. For instance, skipping your warm-up may cause you to fatigue early, preventing you from realizing your potential.
Furthermore, leaning on the stair climber or elliptical trainer may allow you to stay on longer, but it drastically reduces the challenge to your lower body as well as the number of calories you burn. But what about the less obvious errors you may be making? Here, we'll discuss some of the more subtle -- yet no less serious -- faux pas of fitness and the strength-training exercises most frequently flubbed, and show you how they can be fixed with nearly effortless corrections.
People make small but costly mistakes when exercising every day, and one tiny change can have a huge impact on their results, says Los Angeles–based trainer Ken Alan, a spokesman for the American Council on Exercise. Thanks to Alan and the panel of training experts who weighed in on these faux pas and fixes, you'll error-proof your exercise and see tremendous payoffs, and the time you invest in your workouts will be smart and well-spent. We begin with five errors often made in your approach to exercise, then we'll take a look at five moves frequently flubbed.
1. The faux pas Getting married to your strength routine.
The facts If you do the same routine over and over, your muscles will simply adapt; you're likely to hit a plateau because each exercise stimulates only a limited number of muscle fibers. However, if you challenge your muscles from a variety of angles by adding or alternating moves periodically, you'll get significantly more fibers into the act and develop more tone and strength.
The fix For each muscles group, learn an additional 2 or 3 exercises, trying new angles and equipment. (If you can't get instruction from a trainer, there are plenty of books and videos organized by routine for each body part.) For instance, if you usually do the dumbbell chest press on a flat bench, try it at an incline. If you normally use the chest-press machine, try the dumbbell chest press or the bench press with a barbell. Expand your repertoire enough so that you can change your entire routine every 6–8 weeks.
2. The faux pas Performing your reps too quickly
The facts If you zoom through your repetitions when strength training, you'll be using momentum instead of muscle power. You won't get the same stimulus for muscle building, and you won't burn as many calories. You'll also be more susceptible to training injuries such as torn muscles or connective tissue.
The fix Take 6 seconds to perform each repetition: 2 seconds to lift the weight and 4 seconds to lower it. (Since you have gravity to help you lower the weight, you need to slow down even more on this phase in order to give your muscles a sufficient challenge.) Our experts agree that slowing down is the single most significant change you can make to get better results from strength training.
3. The faux pas Exercising too hard, too often
The facts If you don't rest enough between hard cardio or strength workouts, you'll stop making progress and may even lose some of the fitness you've gained. You're also likely to burn out on exercise.
The fix To keep your muscles fresh and your motivation high, alternate shorter, tougher cardio workouts (for instance, 20 minutes) with longer, easier days (40–60 minutes). Don't go all-out more than twice a week. Keep in mind that the more intensely you train, the more time your body needs to recover. It's a good idea to do a couple of tough workouts and take 1 day completely off each week. On the strength-training front, take at least 1 day off between sessions that work the same muscle group.
4. The faux pas Coasting on your cardio
The facts Sticking with the same aerobic workout can sabotage your results as much as pushing too hard. To truly boost your fitness (which enables you to burn more calories with less effort), you need to venture outside your comfort zone a couple of times a week, to the point where you're somewhat winded and can feel your heart pounding.
The fix Instead of zoning out or doing moderate-intensity cardio all the time, mix in some high-intensity intervals twice a week. For instance, after warming up for 10 minutes on the treadmill, increase the speed or incline for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then recover with 1–3 minutes of easy-to-moderate exercise. Keep alternating for 10–20 minutes, then cool down. You also may want to do longer high-intensity intervals -- say, 5 minutes -- where you don't push quite as hard as you do on the shorter ones.
5. The faux pas Lifting the wrong amount of weight
The facts If you lift weights that are too light, you won't see improvements in strength, tone or bone density. If you lift weights that are too heavy, you'll compromise proper form, increasing your injury risk. You'll also be forced to recruit additional muscles, for instance, using your entire body to complete a biceps curl, thus cheating the targeted muscles of a good workout.
The fix For the most significant strength building, perform 4–6 repetitions per set; for more moderate strength building, perform 8–12 repetitions per set, choosing weights heavy enough that you struggle through your final few reps, but not so heavy that your form falls apart. If you get to your final rep and feel that you could perform another one, increase the weight by 5–10 percent. You may find that when you've considerably increased the amount of weight you're using, you'll drop to fewer reps, which is fine, as long as your targeted muscles are fatigued by the final rep. Don't worry: Lifting to fatigue will not leave you with monstrous muscles.
6. Squat
The faux pas Letting your knees shoot ahead of your toes, lifting your heels, dropping your knees inward
The facts These mistakes place excess pressure on the tendons and ligaments of the knee.
The fix Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart, legs straight but not locked, chest lifted, abs contracted. Keep body weight toward heels and bend knees to sit back and down, lowering thighs to as parallel a position to ground as possible, torso erect and knees aligned with ankles (shown). Straighten legs to stand back up. Strengthens buttocks, quadriceps and hamstrings
7. Bent-over lat row
The faux pas Rounding your spine and not flexing from your hips, pulling the weights up too far behind you
The facts These mistakes place stress on your spine and reduce the demand on your back muscles, making the move less effective.
The fix Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides. Bend knees and flex forward from hips at about 90 degrees. Let arms hang in line with shoulders, palms facing in. Contract abs to support back. Draw shoulder blades down and together; maintaining body position, bend elbows up and in toward waist until upper arms are in line with torso and forearms are perpendicular to ground, knuckles pointing down (shown). Slowly straighten arms to starting position without changing torso position. Strengthens middle back, rear shoulders and biceps
8. Triceps kickback
The faux pas Swinging your upper arm, dropping your opposite shoulder, trying to lift your arm and the weight too high behind you
The facts When you make any of these mistakes, your triceps aren't sufficiently challenged, and you also may place stress on your shoulder and elbow joints.
The fix Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and stand to the right of the long side of a bench, feet hip-width apart or in a staggered stance. (You also can kneel on the bench with your left knee.) Flex forward at hips at about 90 degrees, and place left hand on bench for support. Keeping torso stationary, bend right elbow so upper arm is parallel to ground and forearm is perpendicular to ground, palm facing in. Position elbow close to waist and contract abs. Keeping upper arm still, use triceps to straighten arm behind you until end of dumbbell points down (shown). Slowly bend elbow to return to perpendicular position. Strengthens triceps
9. Crunch
The faux pas Jerking your neck, not lifting shoulders, failing to engage abs
The facts These mistakes will result in a sore neck, and your abs won't get any firmer.
The fix Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on mat, hip-width apart. Place hands behind head, thumbs behind ears, fingers unclasped. Hold elbows out to the sides. Contracting abs, draw hips and lower ribs together, keeping buttocks relaxed. Without pulling on neck or drawing elbows in, curl up and forward, keeping head and neck relaxed as shoulder blades lift off mat (shown). Hold, then slowly lower back down. Strengthens abdominals
10. Dumbbell bench fly
The faux pas Lowering your arms too far
The facts This mistake places major stress on your shoulders and rotator cuff, the delicate muscles that sit underneath the shoulders. Plus, it becomes difficult to press arms up and use the chest muscles effectively.
The fix Lie faceup on bench, knees bent and feet on edge. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended above midchest, in a slight arc, palms in. Contract abs and keep chin level. Maintaining elbow arc, lower elbows down and out to the side until they are even with or slightly below shoulders (shown). Press dumbbells up and in to starting position, without letting dumbbells touch or allowing shoulder blades to rise off the bench. Strengthens chest and front shoulders
Mistake-proof your mind
Your attitude may be the one final adjustment you need to maximize your results. Avoid these three mental missteps:
Focusing on the numbers
Instead of worrying over how many calories you burn or steps you climb, focus on the energy and the strength you feel and how wonderfully you're treating your body. While monitoring your intensity and applying the numbers to ensure you're mixing things up enough is critical for optimum progress, you should simply be aware, not fixating.
Obsessing over one body part
Focusing too much on your "problem area" can backfire, causing you to neglect other muscle groups that are as important for your appearance as they are for your fitness. For instance, if your midsection is your main concern, doing hundreds of crunches isn't the answer; sure, do ab exercises for tone, but don't forget that developing your chest, back and shoulders can take the focus off your middle. Always strive for a balanced workout.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Well, I ONLY started and ended the week out right. Life sometimes just gets way in the way. Our family stayed up late one night talking.... way, way past my bedtime. Went to bed one night with a huge, huge headache and decided to sleep in a little longer to make sure it didn't come back. Another morning I had to be at work early, early.... which I knew was going to interfere, and finally I was lazy one other morning. So, I worked hard today. Let's hope I get everything into gear for next week!
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. I added anterior raise during the side squats and lateral raises during the lunge back off step. I did this 8 times only, each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. I added anterior raise during the side squats and lateral raises during the lunge back off step. I did this 8 times only, each side. 5#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3.Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Starting the week out right. I already know I will miss one day this week.... other than that I plan to have three days of the weight routines and two days of cardio with Zumba. I've been reassured that 4 pounds in one month is a really good achievement. I hope to loose more in this next month.... although I have no dr appts coming up to spill the beans for me this time. :)
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 5#.
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#3.
Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 5#.
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#3.
Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tues, Feb 17 - Sat, Feb 21, 2009
I'm so frustrated! I've been sick to my stomach all week. I didn't work out at all except for Monday.
On the bright side, I went to the doctor yesterday and I've lost 4 pounds. I had asked the nurse NOT to tell me what I weighed because I wasn't going to look. So, she didn't. But, when we were in the room she told me I had lost 4 pounds. Well, since I know where I had started that means now I know what I weigh. Then, when the doctor came in we were discussing my weight loss and he asked about my BMI and I told him how I felt about that. He laughed and looked it up anyway on his handy, dandy digital toy. When he found what he was looking for he decided not to go with the info because it said my ideal weight is 115. He felt that was toooo skinny and is happy with my goals. Yeah!
Now, this week I must start a new, except I already know I will miss one day because of one last day of needing to be there 1 1/2 hours earlier than usual. Other than that, I will plan to work out 5 FULL days in a row!
In spite of my not working out throughout this whole week I was good with my eating. I didn't eat any junk. I also took one week off from taking my appetite suppressant.... which I had decided and started last Saturday.... before I wasn't feeling well. So, all is good there!
On the bright side, I went to the doctor yesterday and I've lost 4 pounds. I had asked the nurse NOT to tell me what I weighed because I wasn't going to look. So, she didn't. But, when we were in the room she told me I had lost 4 pounds. Well, since I know where I had started that means now I know what I weigh. Then, when the doctor came in we were discussing my weight loss and he asked about my BMI and I told him how I felt about that. He laughed and looked it up anyway on his handy, dandy digital toy. When he found what he was looking for he decided not to go with the info because it said my ideal weight is 115. He felt that was toooo skinny and is happy with my goals. Yeah!
Now, this week I must start a new, except I already know I will miss one day because of one last day of needing to be there 1 1/2 hours earlier than usual. Other than that, I will plan to work out 5 FULL days in a row!
In spite of my not working out throughout this whole week I was good with my eating. I didn't eat any junk. I also took one week off from taking my appetite suppressant.... which I had decided and started last Saturday.... before I wasn't feeling well. So, all is good there!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Despite my complete exhaustion, I got up anyway.
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 5#.
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#. I left my notes upstairs and couldn't remember which weight to use.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 5#.
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#. I left my notes upstairs and couldn't remember which weight to use.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I did only 2/3's of the routine.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
No Pink Dumbells
Last year I had come across an article in a magazine about the mistakes people make when they exercise. I had been spending a lot of time doing aerobic activity but I didn't do anything with weights. I didn't' do the routines that I did when I was younger, lunges and squats, etc. I was trying to do it this time solely through aerobic activity and I wasn't getting anywhere. I would watch friends loose weight through treadmills and walking, while I wasn't making any progress using the same methods. This article reminded me I was going about it all wrong. It was a very nice article that was diplomatic in it's delivery and to the point. I know I tore it out, but I can't find it. Recently, I came across this online article by Tony Gentilcore called 4 Things Your Girlfriend Should Know. Tony is not as diplomatic or to the point and his language can be quite offensive. He is making the same point of the article I had previously read. Here are some key points that stand out to me.
When it comes to general fitness and body compositional goals, most females want and/or need the following:
1. Decreased body fat
2. Increased strength
3. Improved daily/athletic function
4. Increased bone density
5. Increased flexibility
Tony explains the best way to decrease body fat is not through yoga or aerobics. He argues that these methods do not provide resistance sufficient enough to increase or preserve lean body mass (LBM), which is directly correlated with metabolism and thus the rate at which you burn calories. He agrees that beginners might see transient increases in LBM in the beginning, but that's mainly because most women who go from doing nothing to participating in yoga classes are so de-conditioned that their body weight elicits enough of a stimulus to cause a slight change.
Rather than yoga or aerobics, Tony recommends resistance training. Numerous studies have shown that resistance training elevates EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) for upwards of 24 to 48 hours after you're done training.
As Vladimir Zatsiorsky states in his book, Science and Practice of Strength Training, muscular strength is defined as "the ability to overcome or counteract external resistance by muscular effort; also, the ability to generate maximum external force." (1) In order to generate maximum force (get stronger), a trainee needs to incorporate one of three methods:
1. Maximum Effort Method: Lifting a maximum load (exercising against maximum resistance).
2. Repeated Effort Method: Lifting non-maximal load to failure (albeit still taking into consideration the rule of progressive overload. Relying on one's body weight will only take you so far).
3. Dynamic Effort Method: Lifting a non-maximal load with the highest attainable speed.
Regardless of one's training history or lifestyle, it's clear that the activities chosen to increase bone density need to be progressive and weight bearing in nature.
There are two types of muscle tone: myogenic and neurogenic. The former refers to your muscle tone at rest; the latter refers to muscle tone that's expressed when muscular contractions occur.
Low(er) rep training increases the sensitivity of various motor units resulting in increased neurogenic tone. On the other hand, myogenic tone is correlated with the overall density of your muscles (specifically the contractile proteins myosin and actin) and is vastly improved by lifting heavier weights.
If you train light, you'll keep enough muscle to be able to continue to train light. But given this doesn't take a lot, from a relative and individual standpoint (i.e. it takes more muscle to lift a weight that limits you to 8 reps than it does to lift a weight that limits you to 20) you'll keep what you need to accomplish these generally 'easier' tasks. The key to a lean, hard body is a nice balance between nutrition, cardio, and low rep, heavy weight training. What builds muscle is what keeps muscle."
Tony warns that you will not get "big and bulky" just because you're doing squats and deadlifts. That statement is akin to me saying, "Eh, I don't want to do any sprints today because I don't want to win the 100m gold medal next week." Getting big and bulky isn't easy, just like winning the 100m gold medal isn't easy.
Steady state cardio/aerobics isn't the most efficient way to burn body fat.
1)Steady state cardio doesn't elevate EPOC all that much, which again is one of the main factors in fat loss. Sure, one hour of steady state cardio will probably burn more calories than one hour of resistance training, but it's the calories you burn in the other 23 hours outside of the gym that really matter.
Essentially, once you're done doing steady state cardio, you're done burning calories. However, with resistance training and/or with high intensity interval training (HIIT), your body's metabolism will be elevated for upwards of 24 to 48 hours. Thus, you'll burn a ton more calories.
2)Speaking of metabolism, yours is in direct correlation with how much LBM (lean body mass) you have. The more LBM you have, the higher your metabolism. Given that long duration, steady state cardio actually eats away muscle; you're shooting yourself in the foot in that regard.
3)The "fat burning zone" doesn't exist. It's true that your body will burn a greater percentage of fat at lower intensities; however, the total calories being burned is so small that it doesn't even really matter. Again, it all comes down to EPOC.
4)As Alwyn Cosgrove has pointed out on numerous occasions, your body adapts very well to cardiovascular exercise (in this case, steady state cardio). This is a bad thing. As you get more efficient at running a certain distance, the work required to complete that distance will become less and less as you get fitter.
To improve, you have to go further in order to burn the same amount of calories. What once took you 30 minutes to burn "X" amount of calories, now takes you 45 minutes. Doesn't sound too efficient in my book.
5)A great analogy I like to use is comparing a marathon runner to a sprinter. Marathon runners do a ton of long distance, steady state work, and yet still average anywhere from 11 to 14% body fat (still somewhat lean, but not very muscular at all. Many of them still have the "skinny-fat" look).
On the other hand, sprinters do anywhere from 10 to 120 seconds of "work" and yet average 6 to 8% body fat. Just goes to show that short, intense bursts of energy (anaerobic work) is generally far superior to longer, less intense bursts of energy (aerobic) when taking body composition into consideration.
6)The majority of your fat loss should come via diet, not copious amounts of steady state cardio/aerobics. From a time efficiency standpoint, which makes more sense? Not eating that bowl of cereal at night (300-500 calories) or spending 60 minutes on a treadmill to burn that same 300-500 calories every single day?
7)Steady state cardio/aerobics does little to change how your body looks. Sure, you may lose 20 pounds, but you'll still be the same "shape." You won't look leaner, only smaller (not to mention weaker).
8)Lets be honest, do you really enjoy spending 45-60 minutes on one piece of equipment?
Ladies are four times more likely to have an ACL tear compared to men. Get off the leg extension and leg curl machines and train your posterior chain more! Perform various deadlifts, box squats, Anderson squats, pull-throughs, glute-ham raises, one-legged back extensions, and lots of single leg work.
Tony Gentilcore is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and personal trainer (CPT) through the NSCA.
When it comes to general fitness and body compositional goals, most females want and/or need the following:
1. Decreased body fat
2. Increased strength
3. Improved daily/athletic function
4. Increased bone density
5. Increased flexibility
Tony explains the best way to decrease body fat is not through yoga or aerobics. He argues that these methods do not provide resistance sufficient enough to increase or preserve lean body mass (LBM), which is directly correlated with metabolism and thus the rate at which you burn calories. He agrees that beginners might see transient increases in LBM in the beginning, but that's mainly because most women who go from doing nothing to participating in yoga classes are so de-conditioned that their body weight elicits enough of a stimulus to cause a slight change.
Rather than yoga or aerobics, Tony recommends resistance training. Numerous studies have shown that resistance training elevates EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) for upwards of 24 to 48 hours after you're done training.
As Vladimir Zatsiorsky states in his book, Science and Practice of Strength Training, muscular strength is defined as "the ability to overcome or counteract external resistance by muscular effort; also, the ability to generate maximum external force." (1) In order to generate maximum force (get stronger), a trainee needs to incorporate one of three methods:
1. Maximum Effort Method: Lifting a maximum load (exercising against maximum resistance).
2. Repeated Effort Method: Lifting non-maximal load to failure (albeit still taking into consideration the rule of progressive overload. Relying on one's body weight will only take you so far).
3. Dynamic Effort Method: Lifting a non-maximal load with the highest attainable speed.
Regardless of one's training history or lifestyle, it's clear that the activities chosen to increase bone density need to be progressive and weight bearing in nature.
There are two types of muscle tone: myogenic and neurogenic. The former refers to your muscle tone at rest; the latter refers to muscle tone that's expressed when muscular contractions occur.
Low(er) rep training increases the sensitivity of various motor units resulting in increased neurogenic tone. On the other hand, myogenic tone is correlated with the overall density of your muscles (specifically the contractile proteins myosin and actin) and is vastly improved by lifting heavier weights.
If you train light, you'll keep enough muscle to be able to continue to train light. But given this doesn't take a lot, from a relative and individual standpoint (i.e. it takes more muscle to lift a weight that limits you to 8 reps than it does to lift a weight that limits you to 20) you'll keep what you need to accomplish these generally 'easier' tasks. The key to a lean, hard body is a nice balance between nutrition, cardio, and low rep, heavy weight training. What builds muscle is what keeps muscle."
Tony warns that you will not get "big and bulky" just because you're doing squats and deadlifts. That statement is akin to me saying, "Eh, I don't want to do any sprints today because I don't want to win the 100m gold medal next week." Getting big and bulky isn't easy, just like winning the 100m gold medal isn't easy.
Steady state cardio/aerobics isn't the most efficient way to burn body fat.
1)Steady state cardio doesn't elevate EPOC all that much, which again is one of the main factors in fat loss. Sure, one hour of steady state cardio will probably burn more calories than one hour of resistance training, but it's the calories you burn in the other 23 hours outside of the gym that really matter.
Essentially, once you're done doing steady state cardio, you're done burning calories. However, with resistance training and/or with high intensity interval training (HIIT), your body's metabolism will be elevated for upwards of 24 to 48 hours. Thus, you'll burn a ton more calories.
2)Speaking of metabolism, yours is in direct correlation with how much LBM (lean body mass) you have. The more LBM you have, the higher your metabolism. Given that long duration, steady state cardio actually eats away muscle; you're shooting yourself in the foot in that regard.
3)The "fat burning zone" doesn't exist. It's true that your body will burn a greater percentage of fat at lower intensities; however, the total calories being burned is so small that it doesn't even really matter. Again, it all comes down to EPOC.
4)As Alwyn Cosgrove has pointed out on numerous occasions, your body adapts very well to cardiovascular exercise (in this case, steady state cardio). This is a bad thing. As you get more efficient at running a certain distance, the work required to complete that distance will become less and less as you get fitter.
To improve, you have to go further in order to burn the same amount of calories. What once took you 30 minutes to burn "X" amount of calories, now takes you 45 minutes. Doesn't sound too efficient in my book.
5)A great analogy I like to use is comparing a marathon runner to a sprinter. Marathon runners do a ton of long distance, steady state work, and yet still average anywhere from 11 to 14% body fat (still somewhat lean, but not very muscular at all. Many of them still have the "skinny-fat" look).
On the other hand, sprinters do anywhere from 10 to 120 seconds of "work" and yet average 6 to 8% body fat. Just goes to show that short, intense bursts of energy (anaerobic work) is generally far superior to longer, less intense bursts of energy (aerobic) when taking body composition into consideration.
6)The majority of your fat loss should come via diet, not copious amounts of steady state cardio/aerobics. From a time efficiency standpoint, which makes more sense? Not eating that bowl of cereal at night (300-500 calories) or spending 60 minutes on a treadmill to burn that same 300-500 calories every single day?
7)Steady state cardio/aerobics does little to change how your body looks. Sure, you may lose 20 pounds, but you'll still be the same "shape." You won't look leaner, only smaller (not to mention weaker).
8)Lets be honest, do you really enjoy spending 45-60 minutes on one piece of equipment?
Ladies are four times more likely to have an ACL tear compared to men. Get off the leg extension and leg curl machines and train your posterior chain more! Perform various deadlifts, box squats, Anderson squats, pull-throughs, glute-ham raises, one-legged back extensions, and lots of single leg work.
Tony Gentilcore is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and personal trainer (CPT) through the NSCA.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Jari Love Get Ripped 1000.
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 5#. Last time I added the weights, this time I added a little bit more weight.
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#. Here again I added more weights.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I added more weights and still did only 2/3's of the routine.
I worked harder today for two reasons. Since it is Saturday I have a little bit more energy since I had a little bit more sleep and rest. In fact, I rested after three routines for a couple minutes each, then relaxed in the hot tub after I was finished, then went and took a nap after all that. It's so much easier to wear myself out when I know I don't have to keep momentum going to get ready and then go to work and try to stay energized all day for that, too.
The second reason is that I was reminded yesterday how much I still need to loose. My wonderful, loving and thoughtful husband took me shopping for a new outfit for work... he bought me two! as my valentines gift. I thought that was a PERFECT gift. Well, the process of it was still excruciating since it's hard for me to find bottoms to fit me right. So, while trying on clothes I was reminded just how little progress I've made, although I've made progress, I still have quite a journey ahead of me. So, I feel extra motivated. I could see that I wasn't AS BAD as before, so I've accomplished something, I'm just not off the hook, yet!
I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 5#. Last time I added the weights, this time I added a little bit more weight.
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 8#. Here again I added more weights.
4. Clean and press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, second set of Clean and Press 8#.
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 5#. I added more weights and still did only 2/3's of the routine.
I worked harder today for two reasons. Since it is Saturday I have a little bit more energy since I had a little bit more sleep and rest. In fact, I rested after three routines for a couple minutes each, then relaxed in the hot tub after I was finished, then went and took a nap after all that. It's so much easier to wear myself out when I know I don't have to keep momentum going to get ready and then go to work and try to stay energized all day for that, too.
The second reason is that I was reminded yesterday how much I still need to loose. My wonderful, loving and thoughtful husband took me shopping for a new outfit for work... he bought me two! as my valentines gift. I thought that was a PERFECT gift. Well, the process of it was still excruciating since it's hard for me to find bottoms to fit me right. So, while trying on clothes I was reminded just how little progress I've made, although I've made progress, I still have quite a journey ahead of me. So, I feel extra motivated. I could see that I wasn't AS BAD as before, so I've accomplished something, I'm just not off the hook, yet!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I finished the intro to Zumba. I began where I left off on Tuesday with the 3rd girl. There were about 6-8 more moves to learn. Saturday I will be ready for the actual workout.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jari Love Get Ripped 1000. I did 5 routines! Without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 3# (I added the weights and just didn't go as low, which before was as low as I could go)
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
4. Clean and Press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, Clean and Press 8#
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 3# (I didn't finish the entire routine, I did about 2/3 of it)
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 3# (I added the weights and just didn't go as low, which before was as low as I could go)
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
4. Clean and Press 8#, Squat and Press 5#, Clean and Press 8#
5. Wide Squats with bicep curl 3# (I didn't finish the entire routine, I did about 2/3 of it)
Tuesday, February 10, 2008
I did the intro to Zumba. I reviewed the moves I already learned, about 8, then finished another 8. There are three girls. The first girl taught the first 10, then the second girl taught the next 6. When the 3rd girl started teaching I went ahead and stopped. Not knowing if she was going to teach 6 or 10 or what I didn't have time to finish. So, Thursday I will finish and by Saturday I will be ready for the actual workout. I am looking forward to it as it seems to be fun.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Starting the week out right.
Jari Love Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 routines, without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
Jari Love Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 routines, without cardio. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 8# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000.
Instead of even doing any of the cardio in between the weight routines I used the menu to skip them. I did this for two reasons. One, I plan to do cardio on the alternate days, so I might as well save my energy on these days for the weight exercises. Second, I have a hard enough time making it through these exercises without the added cardio. I would love to add weights to #1 as I feel I could as far as my muscles are concerned. But, my cardio strength cannot even make it through without having to take almost a 5 min break afterwards. I'm wondering if it will ever catch up. I'm seeing progress, but it is such a slow progress that it can be frustrating.
I did 3 routines. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 10# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
Since I worked harder without the added strain of cardio I found myself that much more tired after #3. Of course, I only worked out one other time this week and that may have added to my lower level of endurance. I did go deeper during my exercises, so I do know that had a contribution.
Instead of even doing any of the cardio in between the weight routines I used the menu to skip them. I did this for two reasons. One, I plan to do cardio on the alternate days, so I might as well save my energy on these days for the weight exercises. Second, I have a hard enough time making it through these exercises without the added cardio. I would love to add weights to #1 as I feel I could as far as my muscles are concerned. But, my cardio strength cannot even make it through without having to take almost a 5 min break afterwards. I'm wondering if it will ever catch up. I'm seeing progress, but it is such a slow progress that it can be frustrating.
I did 3 routines. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 10# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
Since I worked harder without the added strain of cardio I found myself that much more tired after #3. Of course, I only worked out one other time this week and that may have added to my lower level of endurance. I did go deeper during my exercises, so I do know that had a contribution.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did almost 4 sets.
Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 10# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
4. Clean and press 10#
Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 10# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
4. Clean and press 10#
Saturday, January 31, 2009
January Calendar - Birds Eye View

I still have a lot of improvement. I need to exercise the alternate days, too. This coming up week will be a challenge as I need to be at work over an hour earlier than usual for two days in a row.
I used 15 out of 27 possible exercise days to meet my goal. That's only about 55%, just over half of the month.
If Weight Loss is Your Game, Here are a Few Tips
By Dian Thomas
(see original article here)
For you that have been regular readers of my column, you will know that I am on a journey to lose at least 100 lbs and, yes, I would be very happy with more.
My journey began four and one-half years ago. I had been just right when I was young, but when I stopped Physical Education and lived a more passive life, weight began to creep up on me. Then it got a real shot in the arm when I became a regular talent on the “NBC Today Show.” I was invited to parties and trips that had the best food in the world. I did not want to miss a bite, and most of the time I did not. My coach Jackie Keller said that I ate with reckless abandon. Yes, she is right.
One day I woke up and said, enough. I can not pack this around any longer. The biggest thing is that I have had to invest time and energy to make a life style change. No, it did not happen over night. Yes, many times I wanted to give up. The most important thing that happened when I wanted to stop was how fast I was able to get back on the track.
In the day that I was eating lots, it was one two-week binge after another, with many days of saying, this was the end and I was going to make that change. If that is you, doesn't despair just mark the journey? I will tell you, it has not been easy and still had it challenges. But what I find is if I keep working at it, I have success and do enjoy the benefits, yes, of getting off the floor by myself and walking a block without stopping several times to huff and puff.
Today in my column I would like to share some of the things that I am doing right now to keep on the journey. Yes, I know that it will be a journey for the rest of my life, but what I have found is that I pick up little tips that help me, and when I put them all together, the result is there. I can mow my front and back lawn in the same day, as well as going on a bike ride and working out at the gym. Here are some things that I am working on learning right now.
There are still activities that are very challenging to me. One is traveling. I went on a weekend trip the other day. When I got home, I was up a little in weight, but not bad for where I was at. When I called Jackie Keller, my coach, I told her I thought that I had done pretty well. I was only up a little. What she told me has had a profound effect on me. I have thought of it so much. She said, “If your goal is to lose weight, and you stayed the same or just went up a little, you did not do very well. Boy, did that stop me in my tracks. This week I have doubled my effort and know that I really must get serious about losing weight and change my belief system.
While on a trip this summer, I heard a saying about exercise. It went like this. There are only two times that you have to exercise to lose weight. You have to exercise when you want to and when you do not want to. This message brought home how important exercise is. As one of my friends who gets up and jogs at 4 AM in California said, “I do not like to do it, but I like what it does for me.”
One of the best things that has helped me, along with selecting the right foods, is portion control. I remember when I used to sit down to eat one tablespoon of reduced calorie peanut butter. Fifteen tablespoon later I would decide I should quit. I have two helpers in portion control. The first is a scale that I picked up so that I can weigh my portions. Often that is the easiest and fastest way to do it. The other are boxes of Ziploc sandwich bags that I buy on sale at Costco. They end up costing about 1 cent a peace. Here are some of the portions that I use.
Snack. 2 T. raisins and 10 almonds. I put this in the zip lock sandwich bags so I am ready when I need a snack. This is great on trips.
The basic meats that I eat are dark meat turkey hamburger, white chicken, pork loin, fish, and smoked salmon. The smoked salmon is portioned in 2oz. portions. The other are measured on the scale in 4 oz portions. I even form the hamburger and put it into the bags. In my freezer I have a box for each. I just take out the portioned meat and put it in the refrigerator two days before I plan to use it.
Most of the time I use the portions that are listed on the container.
I eat three meals a day and three snacks a day. That way I keep my metabolism with fuel all the time. My blood sugar is steady and stays up. I rarely ever get hungry.
When I am invited out and I know that I will be challenged with what will be offered, I take some of my own food in a cooler bag. Last week I was invited to attend a luau. I knew that I would have challenges. I had a cooler bag with good food. I went though the line and only took what was appropriate, and then I opened up my bag and served myself my food that I had in healthy portions. I must say that all my friends know that I am working on this project and are very supportive when I am invited to their homes to eat.
If I am going to a family birthday party, I know that ice cream and cake will be served. On the time when I do not take my own dessert, I have a very hard time and sometimes weaken. Often I will take a 100 calorie yogurt. When I am eating my food that I like and enjoy, I do not care about what others are eating. The problem I have is when I have to sit and watch them eat. That rarely works for me.
At the store, I do not like to buy processed food. What I find is that there is usually too much sodium and often too many calories for me. I know that I checked on a chicken noodle soup can, and if I ate the whole thing, one can would be my entire daily allotment.
Find an activity that you can have for a hobby. The more that you move, the better it is. As one friend said, “motion is lotion.” Young ones will not know about this, but if you are over 50, you will know what I am talking about.
Always be on the look out for good food that you like. Today I stopped at a fruit stand to check on what they had. They had three bottles of healthy salsas. I bought all three to try and see if I could find something that I liked. I have been bottling tomatoes for the winter. The garden chili sauce was not great, nor was the corn salsa, but the black bean salsa was great. Tomorrow I will make it and freeze it for the winter.
Stopping for Ice cream was a pastime of mine. I would drive by my favorite store and it seemed to say, “Dian I have a wonderful shake waiting for you.” Now, that is totally off limit, but what I have done is found a replacement, and now I often enjoy it as one of my snacks. I freeze a cut-up banana and put it in one of my sandwich bags in the right portion. I put 1 ½ cups of milk in the blender and the cut up banana with a little vanilla and blend. What a wonderful treat that is at the end of the day.
Well, there you have a few of my tips that have helped keep me on track. I believe you have to find foods that you like as much as the food that you used to eat. When you do that and keep the portion right, you WIN.
If you have a tip that you would like to share with me please email it to I will look for some great tips from you.
During the past 25 years, Dian Thomas has delivered more than 5000 media appearances. She is the author of 18 books, including the New York Times Best Seller Roughing it Easy, which has sold more than a million copies. She was a network reporter — for eight years — on NBC’s Today Show. Tom Brokaw, NBC’s news anchor, said, “Dian made her network television debut on NBC’s Today Show and quickly became one of our most popular featured performers. Dian has some of the most spectacular ideas you can possibly imagine.”
She appeared on the NBC’s Tonight Show as well as several times on ABC’s Good Morning America and then went on the make weekly appearances for six years on ABC’s Home Show.
(see original article here)
For you that have been regular readers of my column, you will know that I am on a journey to lose at least 100 lbs and, yes, I would be very happy with more.
My journey began four and one-half years ago. I had been just right when I was young, but when I stopped Physical Education and lived a more passive life, weight began to creep up on me. Then it got a real shot in the arm when I became a regular talent on the “NBC Today Show.” I was invited to parties and trips that had the best food in the world. I did not want to miss a bite, and most of the time I did not. My coach Jackie Keller said that I ate with reckless abandon. Yes, she is right.
One day I woke up and said, enough. I can not pack this around any longer. The biggest thing is that I have had to invest time and energy to make a life style change. No, it did not happen over night. Yes, many times I wanted to give up. The most important thing that happened when I wanted to stop was how fast I was able to get back on the track.
In the day that I was eating lots, it was one two-week binge after another, with many days of saying, this was the end and I was going to make that change. If that is you, doesn't despair just mark the journey? I will tell you, it has not been easy and still had it challenges. But what I find is if I keep working at it, I have success and do enjoy the benefits, yes, of getting off the floor by myself and walking a block without stopping several times to huff and puff.
Today in my column I would like to share some of the things that I am doing right now to keep on the journey. Yes, I know that it will be a journey for the rest of my life, but what I have found is that I pick up little tips that help me, and when I put them all together, the result is there. I can mow my front and back lawn in the same day, as well as going on a bike ride and working out at the gym. Here are some things that I am working on learning right now.
There are still activities that are very challenging to me. One is traveling. I went on a weekend trip the other day. When I got home, I was up a little in weight, but not bad for where I was at. When I called Jackie Keller, my coach, I told her I thought that I had done pretty well. I was only up a little. What she told me has had a profound effect on me. I have thought of it so much. She said, “If your goal is to lose weight, and you stayed the same or just went up a little, you did not do very well. Boy, did that stop me in my tracks. This week I have doubled my effort and know that I really must get serious about losing weight and change my belief system.
While on a trip this summer, I heard a saying about exercise. It went like this. There are only two times that you have to exercise to lose weight. You have to exercise when you want to and when you do not want to. This message brought home how important exercise is. As one of my friends who gets up and jogs at 4 AM in California said, “I do not like to do it, but I like what it does for me.”
One of the best things that has helped me, along with selecting the right foods, is portion control. I remember when I used to sit down to eat one tablespoon of reduced calorie peanut butter. Fifteen tablespoon later I would decide I should quit. I have two helpers in portion control. The first is a scale that I picked up so that I can weigh my portions. Often that is the easiest and fastest way to do it. The other are boxes of Ziploc sandwich bags that I buy on sale at Costco. They end up costing about 1 cent a peace. Here are some of the portions that I use.
Snack. 2 T. raisins and 10 almonds. I put this in the zip lock sandwich bags so I am ready when I need a snack. This is great on trips.
The basic meats that I eat are dark meat turkey hamburger, white chicken, pork loin, fish, and smoked salmon. The smoked salmon is portioned in 2oz. portions. The other are measured on the scale in 4 oz portions. I even form the hamburger and put it into the bags. In my freezer I have a box for each. I just take out the portioned meat and put it in the refrigerator two days before I plan to use it.
Most of the time I use the portions that are listed on the container.
I eat three meals a day and three snacks a day. That way I keep my metabolism with fuel all the time. My blood sugar is steady and stays up. I rarely ever get hungry.
When I am invited out and I know that I will be challenged with what will be offered, I take some of my own food in a cooler bag. Last week I was invited to attend a luau. I knew that I would have challenges. I had a cooler bag with good food. I went though the line and only took what was appropriate, and then I opened up my bag and served myself my food that I had in healthy portions. I must say that all my friends know that I am working on this project and are very supportive when I am invited to their homes to eat.
If I am going to a family birthday party, I know that ice cream and cake will be served. On the time when I do not take my own dessert, I have a very hard time and sometimes weaken. Often I will take a 100 calorie yogurt. When I am eating my food that I like and enjoy, I do not care about what others are eating. The problem I have is when I have to sit and watch them eat. That rarely works for me.
At the store, I do not like to buy processed food. What I find is that there is usually too much sodium and often too many calories for me. I know that I checked on a chicken noodle soup can, and if I ate the whole thing, one can would be my entire daily allotment.
Find an activity that you can have for a hobby. The more that you move, the better it is. As one friend said, “motion is lotion.” Young ones will not know about this, but if you are over 50, you will know what I am talking about.
Always be on the look out for good food that you like. Today I stopped at a fruit stand to check on what they had. They had three bottles of healthy salsas. I bought all three to try and see if I could find something that I liked. I have been bottling tomatoes for the winter. The garden chili sauce was not great, nor was the corn salsa, but the black bean salsa was great. Tomorrow I will make it and freeze it for the winter.
Stopping for Ice cream was a pastime of mine. I would drive by my favorite store and it seemed to say, “Dian I have a wonderful shake waiting for you.” Now, that is totally off limit, but what I have done is found a replacement, and now I often enjoy it as one of my snacks. I freeze a cut-up banana and put it in one of my sandwich bags in the right portion. I put 1 ½ cups of milk in the blender and the cut up banana with a little vanilla and blend. What a wonderful treat that is at the end of the day.
Well, there you have a few of my tips that have helped keep me on track. I believe you have to find foods that you like as much as the food that you used to eat. When you do that and keep the portion right, you WIN.
If you have a tip that you would like to share with me please email it to I will look for some great tips from you.
During the past 25 years, Dian Thomas has delivered more than 5000 media appearances. She is the author of 18 books, including the New York Times Best Seller Roughing it Easy, which has sold more than a million copies. She was a network reporter — for eight years — on NBC’s Today Show. Tom Brokaw, NBC’s news anchor, said, “Dian made her network television debut on NBC’s Today Show and quickly became one of our most popular featured performers. Dian has some of the most spectacular ideas you can possibly imagine.”
She appeared on the NBC’s Tonight Show as well as several times on ABC’s Good Morning America and then went on the make weekly appearances for six years on ABC’s Home Show.
January 31, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 4 sets. Here they are:
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 10# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
4. Clean and press 10#, squat and press 5#, clean and press 8#
1: Alternating side squats off the step and lunge back off step. 0#
2: Stiff leg dead lift 10# with reverse fly 5#
3. Pulse squats and pulse lunges off step 5#
4. Clean and press 10#, squat and press 5#, clean and press 8#
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 30, 2009
Today I did the introduction to Zumba. The only thing I could say thus far is that I wish they gave me some indication of how many total moves there were and where we were in the count. I didn't finish the intro because I ran out of time, but if I had known that I only had 2 more then I could've stuck it out. If there were more than that, then I didn't have anymore time. I'll finish next week, maybe this Saturday, and I may learn that I only had one more, who knows.
So far I really like it. The moves really work the mid-section. Let's see how it feels after my body has become accustomed to it.
The benefit of Jari Love's workouts is that there are always ways to increase the intensity, whether it be by going deeper or by adding heavier weights. With cardio, there seems to be a ceiling of intensity.
So far so good, but I haven't done a real workout, yet. (Despite that, the next morning I'm feeling very sore in my back muscles)
So far I really like it. The moves really work the mid-section. Let's see how it feels after my body has become accustomed to it.
The benefit of Jari Love's workouts is that there are always ways to increase the intensity, whether it be by going deeper or by adding heavier weights. With cardio, there seems to be a ceiling of intensity.
So far so good, but I haven't done a real workout, yet. (Despite that, the next morning I'm feeling very sore in my back muscles)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did almost 4 sets. Forget worrying about the breaks I take. It's better that I do the workout, than worry about how long or if I have to break in between. During the second set I used 8# weights, then for the second part of the exercise I used 5# weights. I used 5# weights during the third sets 64 pulse squats and lunges (off the step). Today I added part of the 5th set (I'll skip the 4th 'cause it's pushups.) I used 8# weights for that and then took it to 5# weights during the second part of that set.... then, quit before doing the third part of that set. I feel good that I made it that far. I will continue doing up to that point until I can feel my body ready for adding a bit more, just like I added this extra part, and if you noticed, I increased the weights, too. Phew! This has been hard!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I woke on time to workout.... did the warm up and fast forwarded to where I ended yesterday and didn't do any of the exercises. They all combined with wide squats and narrow squats.... lower body work, and I didn't want to compete from yesterdays workout by overworking those muscles and not giving them their 24 hour break. So, I will do everything tomorrow. I've said that before, I'll just have to really give it my all to continue on anyway.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Portion Control, Key To Loosing Pounds
Local Family Wins Contest.... Collectively, the five-member team lost just over 130 pounds.
Recently, I was told that I should NOT portion control, but eat 6 meals a day and stay away from carbs. They tried to argue that is the only way to loose weight. I'm of the mind that it is portion control. Today I came across this article that showed it my way. I don't believe that there is any magic formula, in any extreme, or any sole method by which one can loose weight. I believe in moderation in all things.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3+ sets. I took a very short break after the first set! During the second set I used 3# weights, then for the second part of the exercise I used 8# weights and took it back to 5# weights when I could no longer do the 8#'s. I used 3# weights during the third sets 64 pulse squats and lunges (off the step). Today I added part of the 5th set (I'll skip the 4th 'cause it's pushups.) I was so tired, but I fought through it. The pharmacist let me know that the appetite suppressant makes it difficult to sleep. So, I took an over-the-counter sleeping aid before bed. Still went to bed late, but I did sleep. I feel I didn't help myself any by not exercising for about a week. I know that I had planned to do Zumba on the alternate days, but since I didn't finish today's workout more to my satisfaction, I will continue from where I left off today. I'll probably need to do that for a couple of weeks, then start using Zumba on the alternate days.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
I couldn't get up to workout. I'm so disappointed. I was really looking forward to kicking but this morning and I couldn't hardly sleep at all last night. I went to bed when I was tired and layed there for 1 1/2 hours. So, I got up and got some things done on the computer. Went back to bed about another 1 1/2 hours later because I was exhausted. Still layed there and didn't sleep. It is stress, I think. I have something on my mind. So, I didn't get up early enough to workout. I will start tomorrow - no more days off.... as long as I can sleep. I just can't get up and work myself to the bone and drag all day, which I will anyway, but that would've made it worse. I do have to make a living.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Beginning a New Week
This week I'm starting a new. I tried to get to bed on time tonight, but I couldn't go to sleep. So, I'll add a post here. I thought I had worked out more last week than I had, which is one time. Somehow the rest of the week slipped away without my realizing it. It's much easier to work out every day than every other day. I forgot which day was which and before I knew it the week was gone.
Tomorrow morning I plan to wake and do ALL of Jari Love's DVD (without the push ups, of course - we know how I feel about those!) Then, the alternate days I will go ahead and do zumba. I finally got that in the mail. I had planned to cancel it, but didn't get around to it. So, I'll go ahead and give it a try this week. Let's see how it goes.
Tomorrow morning I plan to wake and do ALL of Jari Love's DVD (without the push ups, of course - we know how I feel about those!) Then, the alternate days I will go ahead and do zumba. I finally got that in the mail. I had planned to cancel it, but didn't get around to it. So, I'll go ahead and give it a try this week. Let's see how it goes.
Friday, January 23, 2009
What's Wrong With 120?
Today, while the doctor and I were discussing my weight goal I had mentioned 120. She said that my BMI would be more like 131. Right now I would be happy to be either, but let's take a moment to discuss this.
Last week I had someone else, online who doesn't even know me, ask why 120? Why not, I would like to know?
Here's the thing. At 18 I weighed 104. Then, I weighed 132 at 9 months pregnant with my second child. I lost all that weight and was at 109 three weeks after having that baby number 2. I slowly gained weight to 115 and stayed there. That is what I weighed on my wedding day. That was my simple weight without much effort while I lived out an ordinary life.
Then, after the wedding I went to school, ate junk out of the vending machines when I was hungry, and gained 15 pounds. I was mortified to be weighing then what I had weighed while I was in a full-term pregnancy. Looking back, I now know what they had meant when they said I was all baby! Anyway, I lost most of the extra weight, all except 5 pounds. I was at 120. I was good with that. I worked out, stayed strong and in shape. Not the best shape of my life, but good enough. I stayed a simple 120 without much effort while I lived out an ordinary life.
Then, I gained during the stressful changes in our lives of owning businesses and dealing with the joys of self-employment. Now I'm trying to loose my weight and I'm aiming for my 120 again. I'm not aiming for my pre-baby 104, nor my after baby-wedding weight of 115. I'm aiming for a reasonable 120. It seemed reasonable enough while I was looking at it from behind looking up at that 120; now, for some reason when people look down at if from way up here where I am today, people want to gripe about my 120 goal as if it's some anorexic evil.
My 120 weight wasn't stick thin.... it was a perfect and reasonable weight for me. Why must I now settle for 131 because in the interim I've gained weight and now want to return. Must I forever give up the 11 pounds between 120 and 131 because I failed to keep myself there? Had I not gained the weight I wouldn't have been advised to gain 11 more pounds... but, right now I'm supposed to stop at 131. Did I pass some point of no return when I gained the weight? The message seems to say, "So sorry... you may have been fine at one time to be 120, but now that you've left it behind you're no longer allowed to return. That bridge has been burned."
I hear people use babies or age as an excuse for gaining weight. I just don't see that as an excuse. Maybe a temporary one, but not a permanent one. Now, if we are happy being where we are, then there's not a problem with it, as long as it's healthy. I think people get so used to the bigger them that when they finally do loose, they suddenly feel it's just too skinny - it's just not them. Well, it hasn't been them because they've been big for so long.... but, I bet there was a time that size was just fine being them.... speaking of adult years, not the teenage years. It was fine then, so why not now? Because they're just not used to it, is all.
There's no reason my 120 goal should be a gripe. I could see with all the muscle that I will be building during these torturous routines I'm fighting through I may weigh more than my 120, while still having the same build and figure I did at that 120 - just a bit stronger. That would be fine. I just want the comfy me back.... and, most recently, that was 120.
Last week I had someone else, online who doesn't even know me, ask why 120? Why not, I would like to know?
Here's the thing. At 18 I weighed 104. Then, I weighed 132 at 9 months pregnant with my second child. I lost all that weight and was at 109 three weeks after having that baby number 2. I slowly gained weight to 115 and stayed there. That is what I weighed on my wedding day. That was my simple weight without much effort while I lived out an ordinary life.
Then, after the wedding I went to school, ate junk out of the vending machines when I was hungry, and gained 15 pounds. I was mortified to be weighing then what I had weighed while I was in a full-term pregnancy. Looking back, I now know what they had meant when they said I was all baby! Anyway, I lost most of the extra weight, all except 5 pounds. I was at 120. I was good with that. I worked out, stayed strong and in shape. Not the best shape of my life, but good enough. I stayed a simple 120 without much effort while I lived out an ordinary life.
Then, I gained during the stressful changes in our lives of owning businesses and dealing with the joys of self-employment. Now I'm trying to loose my weight and I'm aiming for my 120 again. I'm not aiming for my pre-baby 104, nor my after baby-wedding weight of 115. I'm aiming for a reasonable 120. It seemed reasonable enough while I was looking at it from behind looking up at that 120; now, for some reason when people look down at if from way up here where I am today, people want to gripe about my 120 goal as if it's some anorexic evil.
My 120 weight wasn't stick thin.... it was a perfect and reasonable weight for me. Why must I now settle for 131 because in the interim I've gained weight and now want to return. Must I forever give up the 11 pounds between 120 and 131 because I failed to keep myself there? Had I not gained the weight I wouldn't have been advised to gain 11 more pounds... but, right now I'm supposed to stop at 131. Did I pass some point of no return when I gained the weight? The message seems to say, "So sorry... you may have been fine at one time to be 120, but now that you've left it behind you're no longer allowed to return. That bridge has been burned."
I hear people use babies or age as an excuse for gaining weight. I just don't see that as an excuse. Maybe a temporary one, but not a permanent one. Now, if we are happy being where we are, then there's not a problem with it, as long as it's healthy. I think people get so used to the bigger them that when they finally do loose, they suddenly feel it's just too skinny - it's just not them. Well, it hasn't been them because they've been big for so long.... but, I bet there was a time that size was just fine being them.... speaking of adult years, not the teenage years. It was fine then, so why not now? Because they're just not used to it, is all.
There's no reason my 120 goal should be a gripe. I could see with all the muscle that I will be building during these torturous routines I'm fighting through I may weigh more than my 120, while still having the same build and figure I did at that 120 - just a bit stronger. That would be fine. I just want the comfy me back.... and, most recently, that was 120.
Doctor's Visit
It's been a tough week, but when are they not when it comes to keeping goals and changing habits. Anyway, I went to the doctor today and discussed with her my arm. It has been hurting for the past two months, ever since I was given a vaccine, and it has only gotten worse. I can't even lift my covers at night while I roll from one side to the other, without wincing - or even crying outward in pain; not to mention that I cannot even sleep on that particular side because of that pain. So, I talked to the doctor today and she made sure everything was okay. Sure enough, it is. I was afraid to do any arm or upper body work simply because I didn't want to hurt what was already hurting. She said that I can do whatever I can and I will not hurt myself. Therefore, this week I plan to do the lower body one day and the other half of the same DVD, which is mostly upper body the next day. That way I am working out everyday and working my whole body. Eventually, I will build my strength and endurance to the point of being able to complete the entire DVD in one workout. Then, the alternate days I will stretch and soak in the hot tub. My body feels like it could use good amount of both of those right now. :)
Another thing that happened at the doctor's office really irritated me. Last week I had visited another kind of doctor and was weighed, as always they do. I saw the scale and was, of course, disappointed at being at the exact same weight, even though I KNOW I see progress through physical changes. This was disappointing. So, today I looked away from the scale; didn't even feel a glimpse of curiosity to see it's reading. The nurse, however, read it out loud!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! And, it was one pound more from last week! How encouraging is THAT!? Yes, I know. I have had a terrible week with regards to my workout routine, but give me a break.... I can't believe she said it out loud. I've never had a nurse do that before!
So, I see this doctor again in a few weeks, as well as my other one. Hopefully, I will see better results because I'm having another change this week, too. Today's doctor prescribed me an appetite suppressant. Wish me luck.
Another thing that happened at the doctor's office really irritated me. Last week I had visited another kind of doctor and was weighed, as always they do. I saw the scale and was, of course, disappointed at being at the exact same weight, even though I KNOW I see progress through physical changes. This was disappointing. So, today I looked away from the scale; didn't even feel a glimpse of curiosity to see it's reading. The nurse, however, read it out loud!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! And, it was one pound more from last week! How encouraging is THAT!? Yes, I know. I have had a terrible week with regards to my workout routine, but give me a break.... I can't believe she said it out loud. I've never had a nurse do that before!
So, I see this doctor again in a few weeks, as well as my other one. Hopefully, I will see better results because I'm having another change this week, too. Today's doctor prescribed me an appetite suppressant. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I did NOT take my break after the first set, YEAH! I used 3# weights during the third sets 64 pulse squats and lunges (off the step). I'm wondering if I may be able to step up the weights on that set soon. I have decided to wait until I can add weights to the first set before I do that.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2008
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I did take my break after the first set, despite my effort against it. I used 3# weights during the third sets 64 pulse squats and lunges (off the step). The next day I am really sore, so I must've really worked even harder than usual.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I'm proud of my progress. I'm seeing results in my hips despite having visited the Dr. Monday and seeing my weight being the same. The nurse assured me not to take their scale seriously as there are many variables in reaching it's reading.... and we were in the middle of the day. Anyway, today I didn't take a break between the first and second set, except to take my pulse, and I used 3# weights during the third sets 64 pulse squats and lunges (off the step). I noticed Monday that I could finally add weights for that set and so I did today. PROGRESS! YEAH!
I would also like to note that she does a terrific job a cuing. Without her cuing I would be tripping over myself and not giving the routines proper focus.
My pulse was 270.
I would also like to note that she does a terrific job a cuing. Without her cuing I would be tripping over myself and not giving the routines proper focus.
My pulse was 270.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. Over the weekend I have been convinced that I need to step up my workout to include the types of routines I'm doing in this DVD. They insist that I use bigger weights and frown on the use of "pink" dumbbells. Well, mine are purple 5 pounders, so I'm safe.... :) Anyway, I will do that, but right now I can barely make it through this routine without any weights during the two lower body routines. So, I will step up the weights, hopefully hubby gets them for my birthday tomorrow, for the arm routines. For the next week, maybe even two, I will continue without weights for the lower body because it's killing me right now as it is. I need to build up to that ability and right my ability stops right where I am right now. I want to make progress, but I don't want to hurt myself, either.
I climbed 337 Stairs.
I climbed 337 Stairs.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Feeling Discouraged
This is the week I'm feeling discouraged. I look at myself and I don't like what I see and wonder if it will ever go away. I had a horrible eating pattern yesterday. I feel I've made no progress. I think of my consistency over the past few months and it doesn't spell out success, yet it is still discouraging to have been trying for all that time and making absolutely zero progress. Although, I slept in during my workout time today and will not be working out, I WILL continue to exercise. I must continue working on developing good, healthful habits. I'm sure eventually it will work itself out. Let's hope.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Week of January 5, 2009
Monday: I'm starting the week out right. Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3.5 sets. Over the weekend I counted the number of sets and there are 8.5... at least 8.5 that I will do because I won't get onto the floor for ab routines. The 3.5 that I did today takes me 20 minutes.... and that's not counting the 3-4 minutes it takes for me to catch my breath after the first set. That first set I reach a good 9.5 in the Borg scale, (see right column). I climbed 317 stairs today.
Tuesday: Billy's Bootcamp Ab BootCamp. I only did the first two exercises. I went to bed too late last night and that didn't make it favorable this morning. It only made me not like the DVD even more. I'm already getting sick of it, but I will continue anyway. I climbed 175 stairs.
Wednesday: Three for Three. Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I really need to get to bed on time, I didn't last night. This pattern of going to bed too late, even by 1/2 hour, really makes it hard on me in the morning. I did workout, none the less, and I feel I'm improving.... even if it is by just a itty, bitty bit. I climbed 181 stairs.
Thursday: No morning workout. I climbed 58 Stairs.
Friday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I took my heart rate and now realize I messed up. I had counted for 15 seconds and got to 40. I couldn't remember, off hand, how long to count. Anyway, I was an RPE of 9.5! I really worked hard. I climbed 144 stairs.
Saturday: I took a sleeping pill, one that really knocks me out, last night. I didn't bother working out this morning. I'm still feeling very discouraged today. But, I've made some plans to improve that I think will help me with the parts I feel are preventing me from meeting my goals.
Tomorrow is my dd birthday. It is the day we set aside for junk. Although, I already broke my rule this week for many reasons, I'm still going to treat myself and start anew again on Monday. With my few ideas up my sleeve I hope to turn things around.
Tuesday: Billy's Bootcamp Ab BootCamp. I only did the first two exercises. I went to bed too late last night and that didn't make it favorable this morning. It only made me not like the DVD even more. I'm already getting sick of it, but I will continue anyway. I climbed 175 stairs.
Wednesday: Three for Three. Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I really need to get to bed on time, I didn't last night. This pattern of going to bed too late, even by 1/2 hour, really makes it hard on me in the morning. I did workout, none the less, and I feel I'm improving.... even if it is by just a itty, bitty bit. I climbed 181 stairs.
Thursday: No morning workout. I climbed 58 Stairs.
Friday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. I took my heart rate and now realize I messed up. I had counted for 15 seconds and got to 40. I couldn't remember, off hand, how long to count. Anyway, I was an RPE of 9.5! I really worked hard. I climbed 144 stairs.
Saturday: I took a sleeping pill, one that really knocks me out, last night. I didn't bother working out this morning. I'm still feeling very discouraged today. But, I've made some plans to improve that I think will help me with the parts I feel are preventing me from meeting my goals.
Tomorrow is my dd birthday. It is the day we set aside for junk. Although, I already broke my rule this week for many reasons, I'm still going to treat myself and start anew again on Monday. With my few ideas up my sleeve I hope to turn things around.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Home Delivered Food
I was reading in a magazine this week about the girl who plays in "Without a Trace." She lost the sixty pounds that she gained having her baby. She said that the way she did this was through P90X and restricting her diet to so many calories with the help of a service that delivers the food to her home. Well, wouldn't that be nice?! I looked up the place and they only deliver to two places in California. This isn't the first time I've come across information in a magazine describing a program with very limited service areas. It's frustrating. What about the rest of us over here?!
One time I signed up for Nutrisystem. I was so disappointed. Despite the expensive and disgusting food in itty, bitty containers that were often fake, I still had to purchase food on top of that to complete the meals. (I only consider real chocolate to be chocolate, chicken better not be fatty as if I just went to a fast food resteraunt, and I don't like powdered milk - YUK - in my soups.) The idea was for them to do the thinking and the preparing and the agonizing for me while providing delicious foods. I lost one pound, did not renew and instead, gave away what was left of the final week's worth of food. You know, that FREE week I was given I gave away.
I guess it doesn't matter, it would be expensive and eventually I would have to actually cook for myself and what proper, healthy and good habits will I have created? None. So, it may be tempting to look for easy and already prepared, but I might as well allow myself the courtesy and experience of taking proper care of myself. Guidance would be nice, but not total abandonment from my part.
P90X is on my wish list. Before I can get it I must build my strength and fully utilize the DVD's that I have right now. I've recently ordered Zumba, too. Between all of these new ones that I haven't yet mastered, I have plenty to keep myself busy while building my strength, endurance, and discipline.
One time I signed up for Nutrisystem. I was so disappointed. Despite the expensive and disgusting food in itty, bitty containers that were often fake, I still had to purchase food on top of that to complete the meals. (I only consider real chocolate to be chocolate, chicken better not be fatty as if I just went to a fast food resteraunt, and I don't like powdered milk - YUK - in my soups.) The idea was for them to do the thinking and the preparing and the agonizing for me while providing delicious foods. I lost one pound, did not renew and instead, gave away what was left of the final week's worth of food. You know, that FREE week I was given I gave away.
I guess it doesn't matter, it would be expensive and eventually I would have to actually cook for myself and what proper, healthy and good habits will I have created? None. So, it may be tempting to look for easy and already prepared, but I might as well allow myself the courtesy and experience of taking proper care of myself. Guidance would be nice, but not total abandonment from my part.
P90X is on my wish list. Before I can get it I must build my strength and fully utilize the DVD's that I have right now. I've recently ordered Zumba, too. Between all of these new ones that I haven't yet mastered, I have plenty to keep myself busy while building my strength, endurance, and discipline.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Week of December 29, 2008
I am not titling my posts by week number anymore.... then, when I have a bad week I feel like I failed and I would rather keep those feelings for when I actually do fail. So, I will title them by the actual dated week.
For Christmas I received a new DVD, Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I'm loving this DVD. I watched it this last Saturday to see what I was in for and she alternates cardio with weight training. I didn't count how many sets (which I consider one cardio and one weight routine a set). I will alternate Get Ripped 1000 with the Billy's Banks Ab BootCamp. I will admit that yesterday I fell to temptation and purchased Zumba. I thought that it would be a good cardio to alternate with Jari's workouts. I also remember when I danced the Lambada dance in Brazil that my midsection was always sore the next day. So, I know those kind of moves really work. I was convinced by their moves allegedly working all of the body. We'll see. It will 4-6 weeks before it gets here so I have time to build strength with these new workouts and I should be ready for a change by the time it gets here.
Monday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 2.5 sets. Wow, this is hard and I was taking it easy. I also climbed 203 stairs at work. (I've just added #14 to my instructions on How To Make an Exercise Video that was inspired by this workout. When we are starting the cardio I can't see what her feet are doing because the camera-person is zoomed in on her and they stay there during the first few steps of the cardio. So, I can't see what she is doing until they are fully in the screen. I will have to memorize her order of cardio in order to start with her.)
Tuesday: I climbed 216 Stairs at work.
Wednesday: The holiday really messed with my sleeping schedule and I couldn't get up on time with any amount of energy worthy to exercise.
THE NEW YEAR - Thursday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. This time I used less weights and worked harder than I did the first time. I had to sit and catch my breath after the first set before moving onto the next or I would've quit right there. One set I didn't use weights at all so that I could focus on proper form, work hard and make it through the routine. Next time I'll add another set. The workout is really targeted and my strength will need to be build up through time. I look forward to being able to kick butt through this DVD and feel up to par with my old self. I climbed only 16 stairs today.
Friday: Billy's Bootcamp Ab BootCamp. I made it through an extra routine today. I'm adding each time to each of my DVD's as I get stronger. There is only one more routine to add before they get onto the floor, so as far as I'm concerned I only have one more routine before I'm finished. I don't do floor work, for many reasons, namely physical limitations. Sometime, when I'm feeling that I have reached my max potential for the DVD, I will add to this workout a few sets from my Body By Jake's ab machine.
Saturday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3.5 sets. I only used weights for the arm routines. I worked really hard. Next week I will focus on building my strength for these 3.5 sets. During my other Get Ripped DVD one of the very last routines I found the hardest and challenged my cardio, was the side squats off the step with lateral raise. I was always grateful it was toward the back end of my workout. This Get Ripped 1000 starts out with that routine with a different twist. We side squat off the step and then do a lunge off the the step and then alternate those. It kills me. This is why I need to rest after the first set. I then get back to it and am grateful that after the quick cardio we go to an arm routine. But, then after another quick cardio we are back to another version of squats and lunges off the step. She's killing me! That's good, though, because my pear shaped figure needs those routines. So, the difficulty of these routines is why I've chosen not to use weights during the lower body segments. In the end, I made it through another half of a set, but I stopped when I saw that the second part of that set are the push ups. I don't do push ups. I will be skipping those when I am ready to move on. I'm very happy with my results this week. I am eager to continue building my strength.
For Christmas I received a new DVD, Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I'm loving this DVD. I watched it this last Saturday to see what I was in for and she alternates cardio with weight training. I didn't count how many sets (which I consider one cardio and one weight routine a set). I will alternate Get Ripped 1000 with the Billy's Banks Ab BootCamp. I will admit that yesterday I fell to temptation and purchased Zumba. I thought that it would be a good cardio to alternate with Jari's workouts. I also remember when I danced the Lambada dance in Brazil that my midsection was always sore the next day. So, I know those kind of moves really work. I was convinced by their moves allegedly working all of the body. We'll see. It will 4-6 weeks before it gets here so I have time to build strength with these new workouts and I should be ready for a change by the time it gets here.
Monday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 2.5 sets. Wow, this is hard and I was taking it easy. I also climbed 203 stairs at work. (I've just added #14 to my instructions on How To Make an Exercise Video that was inspired by this workout. When we are starting the cardio I can't see what her feet are doing because the camera-person is zoomed in on her and they stay there during the first few steps of the cardio. So, I can't see what she is doing until they are fully in the screen. I will have to memorize her order of cardio in order to start with her.)
Tuesday: I climbed 216 Stairs at work.
Wednesday: The holiday really messed with my sleeping schedule and I couldn't get up on time with any amount of energy worthy to exercise.
THE NEW YEAR - Thursday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3 sets. This time I used less weights and worked harder than I did the first time. I had to sit and catch my breath after the first set before moving onto the next or I would've quit right there. One set I didn't use weights at all so that I could focus on proper form, work hard and make it through the routine. Next time I'll add another set. The workout is really targeted and my strength will need to be build up through time. I look forward to being able to kick butt through this DVD and feel up to par with my old self. I climbed only 16 stairs today.
Friday: Billy's Bootcamp Ab BootCamp. I made it through an extra routine today. I'm adding each time to each of my DVD's as I get stronger. There is only one more routine to add before they get onto the floor, so as far as I'm concerned I only have one more routine before I'm finished. I don't do floor work, for many reasons, namely physical limitations. Sometime, when I'm feeling that I have reached my max potential for the DVD, I will add to this workout a few sets from my Body By Jake's ab machine.
Saturday: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000. I did 3.5 sets. I only used weights for the arm routines. I worked really hard. Next week I will focus on building my strength for these 3.5 sets. During my other Get Ripped DVD one of the very last routines I found the hardest and challenged my cardio, was the side squats off the step with lateral raise. I was always grateful it was toward the back end of my workout. This Get Ripped 1000 starts out with that routine with a different twist. We side squat off the step and then do a lunge off the the step and then alternate those. It kills me. This is why I need to rest after the first set. I then get back to it and am grateful that after the quick cardio we go to an arm routine. But, then after another quick cardio we are back to another version of squats and lunges off the step. She's killing me! That's good, though, because my pear shaped figure needs those routines. So, the difficulty of these routines is why I've chosen not to use weights during the lower body segments. In the end, I made it through another half of a set, but I stopped when I saw that the second part of that set are the push ups. I don't do push ups. I will be skipping those when I am ready to move on. I'm very happy with my results this week. I am eager to continue building my strength.
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